What is a homozygous dominant trait?

Homozygous means that the organism has two copies of the same allele for a gene. An organism can be homozygous dominant, if it carries two copies of the same dominant allele, or homozygous recessive, if it carries two copies of the same recessive allele.

Is aa an example of homozygous dominant?

Homozygous and Heterozygous If an organism has two copies of the same allele, for example AA or aa, it is homozygous for that trait. If the organism has one copy of two different alleles, for example Aa, it is heterozygous. Keep in mind that an organism can’t simply be ‘homozygous,’ period.

What is an example of a heterozygous dominant trait?

One example is eye color, which is controlled by several genes. The allele for brown eyes is dominant to the one for blue eyes. If you have one of each, you’ll have brown eyes. However, you still have the recessive allele for blue eyes.

What is an example of homozygous genes?

A homozygous brown-eyed person would have the BB gene, while a homozygous blue-eyed person would have the bb gene. An individual has the dominant SS gene, a homozygous gene that results in farsightedness. However, his friend has the homozygous gene ss for the recessive trait, which is normal sight.

Is BB homozygous or heterozygous?

An individual that contains two different alleles of a gene is heterozygous. A cow that has two alleles for a red coat is homozygous (bb). A bull with two alleles for a black coat is homozygous (BB).

Is DD heterozygous or homozygous?

Individuals who are homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) are Rh+. Those who are homozygous recessive (dd) are Rh- (i.e., they do not have the key Rh antigens).

Is GG homozygous dominant?

The true-breeding parents GG and gg are homozygous for the pod color gene. Organisms that have two different alleles for a gene are called heterozygous (Gg). The offspring of the cross between the GG (homozygous dominant) and gg (homozygous recessive) plants are all heterozygous for the pod color gene.

Is HH homozygous dominant?

Individuals with dominant phenotypes can be either homozygous (HH) or heterozygous (Hh). When a recessive (hh) is selected against, a reservoir of recessive alleles remains in the heterozygotes (Hh) of the dominant phenotype.

Is HH homozygous?

What is an example of homozygous dominant?

When a homozygous organism reproduces, it can only pass on one form of the allele to any offspring as it only contains the single form. As an example, brown eye color is dominant over blue eye color. If a person is homozygous dominant for eye color, he or she will have brown eyes.

What is a homozygous trait?

Homozygous is a word that refers to a particular gene that has identical alleles on both homologous chromosomes. It is referred to by two capital letters (XX) for a dominant trait, and two lowercase letters (xx) for a recessive trait.

What is an example of a dominant trait?

Freckles, cleft chin and dimples are all examples of a dominant trait. Having almond-shaped eyes is a dominant trait whereas having round eyes is a feature controlled by recessive alleles. The trait of detached earlobes, as opposed to attached earlobes, is dominant. Right-handedness is dominant over left-handedness.

What is the difference between homozygous dominant and recessive?

If a person is homozygous dominant for eye color, he or she will have brown eyes. If a person is homozygous recessive, he or she will have blue eyes.