What is a pronoun verb agreement examples?

■Pronoun Agreement Not only should the subject and verb agree, but a pronoun also should agree with the word it refers to. If a word referred to is singular, the pronoun should be singular; if the word referred to is plural, the pronoun should be plural. My sister picked up the cats. (sister, she: singular)

What are the four kinds of demonstrative pronouns?

In this case, English uses four words: this, these, that, and those. These are known as demonstrative pronouns and their purpose is to point to the position of persons or objects in time and place.

What are the six demonstrative pronouns?

Which to Use: This, That, These, or Those?

  • This (singular) and these (plural) should be used to replace or modify a noun that is in close proximity to the speaker.
  • That (singular) and those (plural) should be used to replace or modify a noun that is far away, in terms of distance or time.

What are the subject-verb agreement rules with examples?

Subject-verb Agreement | Rules and Examples

Verb Singular subject + verb Plural subject + verb
Become The child becomes happier. The children become happier.
Cause That tree causes hay fever. Those trees cause hay fever.
Analyze The author analyzes the text. The authors analyze the text.

What comes after the demonstrative pronoun in a sentence?

(Quirk 2) The “antecedent” of a demonstrative pronoun can come after it. Occasionally, the thing the demonstrative pronoun represents comes after the demonstrative pronoun. When this happens, it’s called a “postcedent” (shown in bold) not an antecedent. That is why every military officer fights – so there may be peace.

Which special sentence constructions use subject verb and pronoun agreement?

Note the use of subject, verb, and pronoun agreement in the following special sentence constructions: Constructions like prepositional phrases that come between a subject, verb, and its antecedent do not change the agreement of these sentence elements. My father, as well as his two friends, enjoys his walks around the neighborhood.

How do you review pronoun/verb agreement rules?

Review the rules for pronoun/verb agreement. Prepare a large dice or cube with sides labeled this, that, these, and those (you will need to use two words twice as the cube has six sides). Students take turns rolling the dice.

What is the difference between singular and plural demonstrative pronouns?

If the noun is plural, both people from the other pair stand and say one of the plural demonstrative pronouns (these or those). If the noun is singular, only one person from the other pair stands and says one of the singular demonstrative pronouns (this or that).