What is adversity activated development?

Adversity-Activated Development (AAD) is generated because adversity exposes the limits of individuals. When adversity strikes, it pushes people to the edge of (and even over) their previous understanding and expectations. Usually people feel that their lives have come to an end and they do not know how to proceed.

What is Refugee Trauma?

Many refugees, especially children, have experienced trauma related to war or persecution that may affect their mental and physical health long after the events have occurred.

What is intergenerational trauma?

Inter-generational trauma is a concept developed to help explain years of generational challenges within families. It is the transmission (or sending down to younger generations) of the oppressive or traumatic effects of a historical event.

How do you know you have ancestral trauma?

Symptoms of intergenerational trauma may be mistaken for other disorders, and can include denial, depersonalization, isolation, memory loss, nightmares, psychic numbing, hypervigilance, substance abuse, identification with death, and unresolved grief.

How do you release ancestral trauma?

5 ways to break ancestral trauma

  1. Acceptance of your parents as they are/were (what we reject we repeat!)
  2. Acknowledge unconscious loyalties to pain/addiction you might be carrying for your lineage.
  3. Everyone belongs no matter what, each person must be given a place.
  4. Release what doesn’t belong to you, own what does.

What are the 4 R’s in trauma?

The trauma-informed approach is guided four assumptions, known as the “Four R’s”: Realization about trauma and how it can affect people and groups, recognizing the signs of trauma, having a system which can respond to trauma, and resisting re-traumatization.

What are the warning signs of compassion fatigue?

Warning signs of compassion fatigue

  • feelings of helplessness and powerlessness in the face of patient suffering.
  • reduced feelings of empathy and sensitivity.
  • feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by work demands.
  • feeling detached, numb and emotionally disconnected.
  • loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy.

What emotions are stored in the neck?

Neck /Shoulder Tension: Burdens and Responsibilities Shouldering too many responsibilities is a pain in the neck. If you suffer from neck and shoulder tension, it’s likely that you’re overly burdened. Rather than ask for help from others, you’re likely to do everything yourself.