What is ALD disease symptoms?

Adrenomyeloneuropathy. This adult-onset form of X-linked ALD is a less severe and slowly progressive form that causes symptoms such as a stiff gait and bladder and bowel dysfunction. Women who are carriers for ALD may develop a mild form of adrenomyeloneuropathy.

How do you get ALD disease?

What causes ALD? ALD is an X-linked recessive condition caused by a mutation in the ABCD1 gene on the X chromosome. Because a female has two X chromosomes, if she inherits the faulty gene, then she still has another X chromosome to offset the mutation.

What exactly does ALD do to the body?

What Is It? ALD causes severe damage to your nervous system. It does this by breaking apart the fatty covering (called myelin) that protects nerves in your brain and spinal cord. This makes it harder for nerves to send messages to your brain.

Can ALD be cured?

Adrenoleukodystrophy has no cure. However, stem cell transplantation may stop the progression of ALD if done when neurological symptoms first appear. Doctors will focus on relieving your symptoms and slowing disease progression.

What are the three most common forms of ALD?

Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) refers to several different inherited conditions that affect the nervous system and adrenal glands. The three major categories of ALD are childhood cerebral ALD, adrenomyelopathy, and Addison’s disease.

How are boys with ALD treated today?

Treatments include: Adrenal hormone treatment: People with ALD need regular adrenal function testing. Corticosteroid replacement therapy can help treat adrenal insufficiency. Stem cell transplant: Transplant is the only treatment that can slow the progression of ALD in children.

Can you survive ALD disease?

Without treatment, individuals with the cerebral form of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy usually survive only a few years after symptoms begin.