What is an OQ score?

The OQ® 45.2 provides a quick but comprehensive snapshot of the client’s current functioning across a wide variety of disorders. • Intake scores (total, subscales, critical items, individual items) can help identify areas of immediate clinical concern and aid in treatment planning.

What does OQ-45 stand for?

The Outcome Questionnaire-45.2 (OQ-45.2) is purported to measure important areas of functioning (symptoms, interpersonal problems social role functioning and quality of life) that are of central interest in mental health.

How do you score subscales?

Sum the score for each item in the subscale to calculate the total score. Divide the total score by the number of subscale items completed (if more than 2 items answered) to calculate the mean subscale score.

What is the outcome rating scale?

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is used by the client to rate three domains: individual (personal well-being), interpersonal (family/close relationships), and social (work/school/friendships) as well as an overall rating. Once the scale is completed by the client, results are shared and discussed openly.

How is OQ 30.2 scored?

In the case of illiterate participants, the entire measure was administered orally each time. In order to calculate the OQ-30.2 total score all items should be summed, each of which are scored on a five-point Likert scale (from 0–4), totaling a maximum score of 120 points. According to Lambert et al.

What are subscales in statistics?

Definition of subscale : a scale used to obtain a rating or measurement that contributes to a rating or measurement on a larger scale The overall score on this scale is the sum of scores on the four subscales. The 90 symptoms form nine subscales and three measures of overall distress.—

What is a sum score?

However, as noted by Bauer and Curran (2015), it is much more common in psychology to score scales by sum scoring whereby the researchers simply adds (or averages) responses from multiple-item scales to create scores for variables that are not directly measurable rather than by performing a latent variable analysis.

What is a clinical cut off?

The “clinical cutoff” is a statistical term and a portion of an equation that defines the number (on a given measure) that best differentiates a so called clinical population (those seeking help from a therapist) to those who are not (a so-called non-clinical population).

How do you score a Child Outcome rating scale?

Each of the four visual analogue scales is 10cm, so the score for each of the four visual analogue scales is the measurement length on the ruler (e.g. 3.3cm = score of 3.3) with 10 being the highest score for each scale. The score is written in the right margin, and the four scores added together for the overall score.

How is OQ 30 scored?

In the case of illiterate participants, the entire measure was administered orally each time. In order to calculate the OQ-30.2 total score all items should be summed, each of which are scored on a five-point Likert scale (from 0–4), totaling a maximum score of 120 points.

How do you score a youth outcome questionnaire?

Using the hand-scoring answer sheet, transfer each item response to the appropriate box in the far right-hand column. Sub- total each scale on both sides of the sheet; then sum the two sub- totals for each scale to derive scale scores. Sum all six scale scores for the Total Score.

What is the cut-off score for the OQ-45?

Clinical cut-off score: 15 or more – indicates symptoms of clinical significance Reliable change: indicated when a client’s score changes by 8 points or more (useful if you give the OQ-45 at two different points in time).

What does the OQ® 45 measure?

The OQ® 45.2 provides a quick but comprehensive snapshot of the client’s current functioning across a wide variety of disorders. Intake scores (total, subscales, critical items, individual items) can help identify areas of immediate clinical concern and aid in treatment planning.

Are OQ-45 questionnaires incomplete?

In the outpatient sample the incompleteness of the questionnaires was low. For the OQ-45, besides a 7% of nonresponse on item number 7, missingness varied from 0% to 3.5%. On the BSI questionnaires, missingness on the single items was always under 1%.

Should we use BSI or OQ-45 for routine outcome assessment?

On the whole, the comparison of the two questionnaires, BSI and OQ-45, as instruments to be used for routine outcome assessment leads to the following statements: In an inpatient setting both questionnaires have basically the same sensitivity to change.