What is H-bridge inverter?

A H-bridge is an electronic circuit that switches the polarity of a voltage applied to a load. These circuits are often used in robotics and other applications to allow DC motors to run forwards or backwards.

Why is an H-bridge called an H-bridge?

An H-Bridge is a circuit of 4 switches allowing to select the direction of current flowing through a part. The simplest H-Bridge consists of four manually controlled switches. The name is derived from the circuit diagram which looks like a capital H.

How do you test an H-bridge?

Place the voltmeter across the resistor and you should see a variable voltage depending on your PWM into the bridge (speed) and a polarity change (+ to – and vice versa) depending on which direction, and then 0V when it’s supposed to be “stopped”, That’s pretty basic.

What is the advantage of using H-bridge to move DC motors?

H bridge is simply a circuit that allows a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction. They are commonly used for controlling DC motor in moving parts of robots. The advantage of using DC motor is that, we can reverse the polarity of applied voltage across the load without modifying the circuit.

What is H-bridge how it works explain with help of circuit diagram?

An H-bridge is built of four switches that control the flow of current to a load. In the image above, the load is the M connecting the two sets of switches. Using one current source, you can drive current in two directions by closing two switches.

What is use of reverse diode in H-bridge?

The diodes are there to protect the FETs from opposite currents if the motor starts turning in another direction. As you might know, the coils in an electric motor generate an opposite current, which needs to be ‘discharged’ in a safe direction, because the FETs do not support currents in the wrong direction.