What is staggered grid view?

Staggered gridview consists of multiple columns with different rows with varying sizes used to display different sizes’ images.

How do I use staggered grid view?

Using the Staggered Grid View:

  1. Step 1:For Implementing Staggered Grid View in your project first you have to add the dependency in your pubspec. yaml file in the lib folder.
  2. Step 2: Return Material App in main.dart() file.
  3. Step 3: Now Import dependencies for Staggered Grid View in HomePage().
  4. Output:

How do I create a grid view?


  1. Step 1: Creating a New Project. To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio.
  2. Step 2: Add google repository in the build. gradle file of the application project.
  3. Step 3: Modify the activity_main.xml file. Add GridView to the activity_main.

How do you use grid view in Flutter?

Open the project, navigate to the lib folder, and replace the below code with the main. dart file.

  1. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
  2. void main() => runApp(MyApp());
  3. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  4. List images = [
  5. ];
  6. @override.
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return MaterialApp(

What is gridDelegate?

gridDelegate property Null safety A delegate that controls the layout of the children within the GridView. The GridView, GridView. builder, and GridView. custom constructors let you specify this delegate explicitly.

How do you make a grid on flutter?

When developing apps in Flutter, you may encounter the need to display a list of items as a grid. You can show data in a grid format — i.e., with rows and columns — using the GridView class in Flutter. Using GridView is the best way to combine the Row and Column classes and create a scrollable grid list.

What is meant by GridView?

A grid view or a datagrid is a graphical control element that presents a tabular view of data. A typical grid view also supports some or all of the following: Clicking a column header to change the sort order of the grid. Dragging column headers to change their size and their order. In-place editing of viewed data.

Is GridView scrollable Flutter?

You can show data in a grid format — i.e., with rows and columns — using the GridView class in Flutter. Using GridView is the best way to combine the Row and Column classes and create a scrollable grid list.

What are the different types of GridView available in Flutter?

We can implement GridView in various ways in Flutter :

  • count()
  • builder()
  • custom()
  • extent()

What is SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount?

SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount class Null safety. Creates grid layouts with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis. For example, if the grid is vertical, this delegate will create a layout with a fixed number of columns.

How many Gridviews are in Flutter?

two GridView
In Flutter, the two GridView is mostly used.

As you see in various social platforms such as Pinterest and many more. The main feature of Staggered Grid View is that it makes the layout beautiful and develop a great User Experience. Staggered Grid View consists of containers present in Rows and columns of different sizes.

How to implement staggered grid view in pubspec?

Step 1: For Implementing Staggered Grid View in your project first you have to add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml file in the lib folder. Now click on pub.get and wait to configure it. Step 2: Return Material App in main.dart () file.

What is staggeredgridlayout in Android?

StaggeredGridLayout is a LayoutManager in the android studio similar to GridView, but in StaggeredGridLayout each grid has its own height and width. The children’s are in a staggered grid format.

What is flutter staggered GridView?

Flutter staggered gridview is utilized to show the pictures in a stunned manner, simply like social networking applications like pin-interest, which is unique concerning the normal grid view see which we have found in the beneath the video.