What is the 100% Pure New Zealand campaign?

When 100% Pure New Zealand was launched in 1999, it was the first time New Zealand had one message in all of its tourism markets around the world. The campaign was developed to be clear and concise: to communicate a single message about New Zealand that captured the imagination of our target market.

Who created 100% Pure New Zealand?

In fact, first launched in 1999 (Morgan, Pritchard, & Piggott, 2003), 100% Pure New Zealand has been praised as one of the world’s strongest, longest-running and most admired destination brands (TNZ, 2009; Yeoman & McMahon-Beattie, 2011).

Why New Zealand is best for tourism?

Nature crafted New Zealand with the surreal beauty of a movie set. Few destinations boast so many staggering natural wonders packed into such a small area. Snow-capped peaks, sparkling coves, coastal glaciers, rain forests, fjords, and fish-filled rivers are some of the treasures travelers can explore.

Is New Zealand a clean green country?

For over 20 years New Zealand has benefited from a marketing and advertising campaign promoting it as a clean, green country and 100% Pure food exporter and tourist destination (Bennett, 2010; Oram, 2007).

How pure is NZ?

32% Pure | New Zealand Geographic.

What makes New Zealand unique?

New Zealand is one of the most gorgeous countries on earth, and even with its modest size, it packs a lot of history, culture, and attractions for us to experience. New Zealand is known for its stunning national parks, dynamic Māori culture, incredible hiking trails, and world-class skiing and surfing.

Why are New Zealand’s waters so polluted?

An increase in population is linked to an increase in water pollution, due to a range of causes such as rural land use, industrial use and urban development. Fresh water quality is under pressure from agriculture, hydropower, urban development, pest invasions and climate change.

Is New Zealand a clean country?

It’s true that, by some indicators, New Zealand enjoys better environmental health than many other developed nations. Some of that performance is down to pioneering regulation, such as the fisheries Quota Management System and the Resource Management Act.
