What is the best treatment for chikungunya?


  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Take medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or paracetamol to reduce fever and pain.
  • Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Is chikungunya cured quickly?

There’s no real treatment for chikungunya. Most people get better on their own and recover completely. Many of the symptoms usually improve within a week, but joint pain can last a few months. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help with that and any fever you may have.

How long it takes to recover from chikungunya?

Most people recover fully, with symptoms resolving in three to 10 days. For some people, joint pain may continue for months, or even years. Death from complications of chikungunya is very rare, but the virus sometimes causes severe problems, mostly in older adults with other chronic illnesses.

Is giloy good for chikungunya?

1. It has strong antioxidant properties, which protects against free radical damage and boosts immunity. 2. It helps in reducing fever, also effective for chronic fevers such as dengue or chikungunia.

Does chikungunya require hospitalization?

Try to take care of every fever patient at home first because there’s very little need for hospitalization if proper care is taken at home.

Can chikungunya be treated at home?

In such a case, home remedies can prove to be very helpful. Applying garlic paste or clove oil with pepper can help in reducing inflammation and joint pain, especially around the knees. Taking a bath in hot water mixed with epsom salt and neem leaves can also improve immunity and lesser pain.

Can chikungunya happen twice?

Can you get chikungunya twice? No, only once; then protective antibodies are developed. According to the evidence available to date, there should be life-long immunity.

Is there a cure for chicken guinea?

No, unfortunately there is no cure for chicken guinea. But it is believed that once you contract chicken guinea, your body develops an immunity to it and you won’t suffer from it again. So the key is to be aware of the symptoms, catch it early and get it treated so that you recover fully and are protected in the long run from contracting it again.

How to prevent diseases of guinea fowl?

Almost all diseases of guinea fowl are associated with violation of the conditions of detention. If you provide the bird with a clean and warm poultry house, properly feed and vaccinate on time, the risk of the disease will be reduced many times. Russia.

What should I do if my chicken guinea has a headache?

The longer you wait, the worse your symptoms can get and the worse the disease can take hold over your system. Whether homeopathic or allopathic, the treatment will address your headaches, joint pain, fever, nausea, etc. in the hopes that once these symptoms pass, the chicken guinea will too.

What to do if your guinea fowl has an upset stomach?

gastrointestinal upset. Treatment: Patients guinea fowl are given streptomycin, biomycin and other antibiotics. For the prevention of mycoplasmosis, newborn chicks are given a solution of Enroxil or Baytril preparations – 1 ml per liter of water.