What is the Heijunka system?

Heijunka is a Lean method for reducing the unevenness in a production process and minimizing the chance of overburden. The term Heijunka comes from Japanese and literally means leveling. It can help you react to demand changes and utilize your capacity in the best possible way.

What is Heijunka and how does it work?

Heijunka (hi-JUNE-kuh) is a Japanese word for leveling. It is part of the lean methodology of process improvement that helps organizations match unpredictable customer demand patterns and eliminate manufacturing waste by leveling the type and quantity of production output over a fixed period of time.

How do you calculate Heijunka?

The interval is calculated as follows: sum up the process times for all products in the family for the specific workstation for a certain interval, for instance a week. Take the total production time available in the week, and subtract the total process time. The result is the time which is left for changeovers.

Who invented heijunka?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. A heijunka box is a visual scheduling tool of used in heijunka, a concept originally created by Toyota for achieving a smoother production flow.

What is Jidoka and heijunka?

​Heijunka – production leveling. • Hoshin planning: a structured planning by focusing on a few critical problems at a time. • Jidoka: Ji – refers to the worker, do – refers to motion or work & ka– refers to action; together they refer to ‘automation with a human. mind’

What is Heijunka in Toyota?

Heijunka (English: Production smoothing or leveling): A technique to facilitate Just-In-Time (JIT) production, it means production leveling (finding and keeping average production volumes) and is used to smooth out production in all departments as well as that of the supplier over a period of time.

Why do we need Heijunka?

Heijunka is the process of leveling the type and amount of production over a set period of time. The goal is to iron out issues like overproduction, or batching — which has the added benefit of minimizing waste, reducing labor, maximizing inventory space, and reducing production lead time.

Who invented Heijunka?

How is Heijunka implemented?

Implementing heijunka starts with knowing your takt time and taking the following core concepts into consideration. Takt time is the time it takes to make a product from start to finish to meet customer demand. When implementing heijunka, it’s thought of as the customer buying rate and guides the whole process.
