What is the Zymotic theory?

Zymotic disease has been defined by our leading medical authorities as any. epidemic, endemic, contagious or sporadic affection which is produced by some. morbific principle acting on the system like a ferment.

What are the 4 principles of germ theory?

The four basic principles of Germ Theory The air contains living microorganisms. Microbes can be killed by heating them. Microbes in the air cause decay. Microbes are not evenly distributed in the air.

What does miasma theory mean?

The miasma theory (also called the miasmatic theory) is an obsolete medical theory that held that diseases—such as cholera, chlamydia, or the Black Death—were caused by a miasma (μίασμα, Ancient Greek for ‘pollution’), a noxious form of “bad air”, also known as night air.

What does Zymolytic mean?

Definitions of zymolysis. a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol.

What are Microzymas?

Microzymas coalesce to form blood clots and bacteria. Depending upon the condition of the host, microzymas assume various forms. In a diseased body, the microzymas become pathological bacteria and viruses. In a healthy body, microzymas form healthy cells. When a plant or animal dies, the microzymas live on.

What does the germ theory say?

germ theory, in medicine, the theory that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms, organisms too small to be seen except through a microscope.

What is the opposite of miasma?

Opposite of an unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapour. perfume. sweetness. aroma. fragrance.

What does miasma mean in Greek?

In Greek mythology, a miasma is “a contagious power that has an independent life of its own. Until purged by the sacrificial death of the wrongdoer, society would be chronically infected by catastrophe.”

Who discovered disease?

Proving the germ theory of disease was the crowning achievement of the French scientist Louis Pasteur. He was notthe first to propose that diseases were caused by microscopic organisms, but the view was controversial in the 19th century, and opposed the accepted theory of “spontaneous generation”.