What was the primary reason for the European takeover of Southeast Asia in the 1800s?

They wanted to gain monopoly over the spice trade as this trade was very valuable to the Europeans due to high demand for various spices such as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.

What was the shortcut between Europe and Asia?

When the Suez Canal was excavated 150 years ago, it shortened the travelling distance between Asia and Europe by a third. By taking a shortcut via the Arctic Ocean, known as the Northeast Passage, the distance could be reduced by a third again.

Why did European nation began to search for new overseas colonies after 1880?

European nations began to search for new overseas colonies after 1880 to… Obtain raw materials for industries and open new markets for products. Why did Europeans want to colonize west Africa?

How was European dominance different in South Africa?

How was European dominance different in South Africa? In South Africa, the British had to contend not only with a native population, but with a significant population of Boers who felt that the land was theirs Competition between white groups over land and over rich mineral resources led to war.

What happened in Asia in the 1800s?

The 1800s saw unrest like the Indian Revolt of 1857 that transformed India and gave control to the British Raj. At the end of the century, the great Boxer Rebellion took place during which Chinese citizens fought against foreign influence.

Who among the following was the first European to come to India?

Vasco da Gama
Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to reach India via the Atlantic Ocean when he arrives at Calicut on the Malabar Coast. Da Gama sailed from Lisbon, Portugal, in July 1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and anchored at Malindi on the east coast of Africa.

Why did Africa and Asia become the focus of European imperialism in the nineteenth century?

These developments made it possible for a new wave in European imperialism in Africa and Asia. Why did Africa and Asia become the focus of European imperialism in the nineteenth century? Technological advances in transportation, medicine, and communication opened areas previously closed to colonization.

What are the two non European countries that had colonies?

It is worth noting that, from the 16th to 19th century, there were also large non-European empires, most notably the Qing Empire of China, which conquered a huge area of East and Inner Asia, and the states of the Age of the Islamic Gunpowders, Mughal India, the Ottoman Empire in Asia Minor and Southwest Europe, and …

Which nations or regions of the world sought to create empires in the late 1800s?

Britain , France , Germany , Russia , and the Netherlands continued to colonize during this era, but they also devised other ways to spread their empires. In the late 19th century Japan and the United States joined the European nations as an imperialist power.

Which of the following countries was not colonized by Europe during the 1800s?

1. Ethiopia. Ethiopia managed to remain uncolonized by Europeans between 1880 and 1914, when European powers competed to invade and colonize the African continent.

What happened in Africa in the 1800s?

Europeans had confined themselves to trading mainly along the coast. Inland the trade in slaves and commodities was handled by African and Arab merchants. With the British abolition of the slave trade in 1807, the British navy took to patrolling the coasts, intercepting other nations’s slave ships.