What is a KT-1000 test?

The KT-1000 knee arthrometer (KT-1000) is an objective instrument to measure anterior tibial motion relative to the femur for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Four studies between 1950 and 2007 regarding validity of the KT-1000 were identified using a Medline search.

What is the best test to diagnose ACL injury?

The Lachman test is the most accurate test for detecting an ACL tear. Magnetic resonance imaging is the primary study used to diagnose ACL injury in the United States. It can also identify concomitant meniscal injury, collateral ligament tear, and bone contusions.

What is a Arthrometer used for?

An arthrometer measures joint motion. The most commonly reported arthrometer in the literature for assessing knee joint motion is the KT-1000 (Med Metrics Corp.

What is knee laxity?

Knee Ligamentous laxity, or knee ligament laxity, means loose knee ligaments. It is a cause of chronic body pain characterised by loose ligaments.

What is anterior drawer?

The anterior drawer test is a knee assessment that your doctor, physical therapist, or sports therapist uses to check for an ACL injury. It might be used along with a Lachman test, a pivot shift test, and an MRI.

What are the 2 most popular tests for the ACL?

Index test(s) The anterior Lachman test, anterior drawer test and the pivot shift test, which are summarised in Table 1, are the most commonly known physical tests used to assess the integrity of the ACL (Benjaminse 2006; Leblanc 2015; Malanga 2003; Scholten 2003; Solomon 2001).

What is a positive Lachman maneuver test?

A positive Lachman test or pivot test is strong evidence of an existing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear, and a negative Lachman test is fairly good evidence against that injury. Although widely used, the anterior drawer is the least helpful maneuver for diagnosing an ACL tear.

What is Pivot testing?

The pivot shift test assesses for anterolateral rotatory instability of the knee. It is a very useful test to determine if the patient will have a symptomatic ACL tear or not.

How do you fix ACL laxity?

Knee Ligamentous Laxity does not always require treatment. Indeed, when it does not cause pain, physical therapy may help to fortify the muscles surrounding the knee joint. However, in severe cases, knee ligament surgery may be required.