Is the Mutara Nebula real?

So how does the Mutara Nebula stack up? Mind you, this is a fictional nebula, so don’t bother trying to find it on any star chart; it is not down on any map; true places never are. It doesn’t actually exist.

What happened to the Mutara Nebula?

The nebula contained high levels of static discharge and was comprised largely of ionized gases. The combined effect of this made a starship’s sensors highly unreliable and shields inoperable when inside. In March of 2285, the nebula ceased to exist when the Genesis Device detonated.

What crew member was sent to a planet on a photon torpedo?

Aftermath. Spock transfers his katra to McCoy. “Remember.” The surviving Enterprise crewmembers held a funeral for Spock and sent his body to the Genesis Planet in a photon torpedo casing.

What is the genesis planet?

The Genesis Planet was an uninhabited planet located in the Genesis sector, a region of space in the Mutara sector. When the Genesis Device exploded, which resulted in the destruction of the USS Reliant, the planet was formed from the coalescence and cooling of the gas and dust of the Mutara Nebula.

How did the Genesis planet form?

Under the direction of Dr. Carol Marcus this theory was successfully run on the nearby planet Regula. The device was subsequently stolen by Khan Noonien Singh in his revenge plans against Admiral James T. Kirk and was detonated inside the Mutara Nebula, thus creating the unstable Genesis planet.

Was the Genesis planet destroyed?

Starfleet later conducted an analysis that concluded that the planet was unstable and died because of the nature in which the device was used. The device was meant to explode on the surface of a dead planet – and the resulting Genesis Wave would have been able to concentrate on rebuilding the planet.

How did Star Trek defeat Khan?

Khan failed to defeat his old foe, and died when he detonated the matter-reorganizing, terraforming device, thus annihilating the Reliant and Khan along with it.

What is the Mutara Nebula in Star Trek?

The Mutara Nebula was an interstellar dust cloud located in the Mutara sector. The nebula contained high levels of static discharge and was comprised largely of ionized gases. The combined effect of this made a starship ‘s sensors highly unreliable and shields inoperable when inside.

What happened at the Battle of the Mutara Nebula?

” The Battle of the Mutara Nebula was the final engagement between James T. Kirk and Khan Noonien Singh. In 2267, Captain Kirk left Khan and his followers on Ceti Alpha V in exile.

What is the best nebula battle in Star Trek history?

Mutara Nebula Battle #1 – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan [CC English] – Ricardo Montalban first played KHAN NOONIEN SINGH in the 1967 Star Trek TV episode “Space Seed.” Having a budget of only 1/3 the original motion picture, Wrath of Khan is considered one of the best Star Trek movies, with music by James Horner.

How did the Nebula affect the starship’s sensors?

The nebula contained high levels of static discharge and was comprised largely of ionized gases. The combined effect of this made a starship ‘s sensors highly unreliable and shields inoperable when inside.