What is pallid disc edema?

Pallid disc edema, with a “chalk-white” appearance, is almost exclusively associated with GCA in elderly patients but has also been observed in rare cases of systemic lupus erythematosus, fulminant idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and in association with various medications including interferon-alpha.

How is optical disc edema treated?

If doctors rule out a life-threatening cause for your papilledema, they might recommend weight loss and a diuretic (water pill) called acetazolamide. This drug helps bring down the pressure inside your head by lessening the amount of fluid in your body as well as the amount of fluid your brain makes.

What causes optic disc pallor and edema?

The optic disc pallor may be diffuse or segmental (sectoral). Segmental pallor occurs if part of the blood supply to the optic nerve is occluded, and It will be associated with an appropriate altitudinal field defect. An important treatable cause of ischaemic optic neuropathy is giant cell arteritis (GCA).

What is the difference between papilledema and optic disc edema?

Their symptoms also vary. With papilledema, only your peripheral vision changes at the beginning. Your central visual acuity is usually not affected until later. In optic disc edema, your central visual field decreases at the onset. 2 Papilledema affects 1 in every 100,000 Americans.

What causes bilateral optic disc swelling in an overweight female?

Although the clinical presentation in a young overweight female was consistent with IIH, this diagnosis should not be made before ruling out other causes of bilateral optic disc swelling, including mass lesions of the brain; venous sinus thrombosis; and inflammatory, infiltrative, and infectious causes.

What causes fluid under the eye and brain swelling?

When pressure pushes on the nerve and vein, blood and fluid can’t leave the eye at a normal rate, causing papilledema. Brain swelling can be caused by a number of injuries and conditions, including: Sometimes, brain pressure builds up for no apparent reason.

How do eye doctors diagnose papilledema?

Eye doctors use a tool called an ophthalmoscope to look inside the back of the eyes and diagnose papilledema. An imaging test, such as an MRI, can provide more details and possibly show what’s causing the pressure in your brain.