Why is my fish pump not working?

The most likely cause is that the air pipes of the filter are disconnected or blocked or the air pump has broken down (See Q1). Once the pipes are cleared or reconnected or the pump has been repaired or replaced – the filter will work again and the tank will clear.

Why is my Aqueon filter light blinking?

When the water level reaches a maximum due to the filter clogging, the light of the QuietFlow LED Pro will begin to flash, alerting users that it’s time to change out the filter cartridge.

How do I know if my fish tank pump is working?

How to Know if My Internal Aquarium Filter Is Broken

  1. Water Stops Moving Through the Filter. If the motor is humming but no water is moving, the motor works but the filter itself has shut down.
  2. Filter Rattles When Turned On.
  3. Dirty Parts Inside the Filter.
  4. A Crack in the Facade.
  5. Suction Cups Missing.
  6. A Word About Cleaning.

How long can fish survive without air pump?

When there is a depletion in oxygen, the bacterias won’t survive. The ammonia and nitrite excreted by fishes and produced during decomposition at the bottom of the aquarium, makes the water more and more toxic for the fish. Eventually, it causes the death of fish. The whole process can take up to 12 hours.

How do I know if my aquarium filter is working?

Why is my fish tank light flashing?

Check your lamps, wires, ballast/driver, and tombstones for bad connections or loose wires. A common reason for flickering T8 LEDs is a loose connection within the circuit. If the wiring is loose at the connection point, disconnect power to the circuit and secure wiring as needed.

Can I leave my fish tank light on all the time?

Aquarium fish do not need light and it is best that you turn it off during the night. Leaving the light on can cause stress to fish as they need a period of darkness to sleep. Too much light will cause algae to rapidly grow and make your tank look dirty. So the short answer is no, do not leave your lights on.

Should aquarium filter always be on?

Filters, heater, lights, and air pumps need to stay on almost all the time to keep your fish alive. However, while you can and should turn off your lights and heaters, and even an air pump if you have one, you have to keep filters on 24/7.