What is cystic Adenomatoid?

Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) is a benign lung lesion that appears before birth as a cyst or mass in the chest. It is made up of abnormal lung tissue that does not function properly, but continues to grow. CCAM is also frequently referred to as a congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM).

What is the treatment of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation?

Treatment. Most babies with CCAM are treated with surgery soon after birth or several months later, depending on the severity of the CCAM. A small group of severe cases may be treated before birth with fetal intervention.

What causes congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation?

What causes a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation? A CCAM is caused by overgrowth of abnormal lung tissue that may form fluid-filled cysts. The cysts prevent the tissue from functioning as normal lung tissue.

Can CCAM be cured?

Open fetal surgery currently provides a potential therapeutic option for management of the fetus with CCAM diagnosis and massive nonimmune hydrops. We present one case of CCAM, which was cured by open fetal surgery and continued to do well after a follow-up of 5 years.

Can CPAM disappear?

It is now known that some CPAMs become smaller or even disappear with time. Therefore, treatment is not always necessary. Oxygen or even artificial ventilation may be required for babies who develop breathing difficulties after birth. Surgery is the main treatment and may be needed before the birth.

Is CPAM fatal?

In a small number of cases, a CPAM may grow so rapidly that it becomes life-threatening before birth. This usually happens between 18 and 26 weeks gestation. The large mass causes compression, leading to heart and lung failure. To prevent this from happening, either fetal surgery or early delivery is necessary.

When does CCAM develop?

The CCAM is usually highly unpredictable in its growth potential between 18 and 26 weeks of gestation. The fastest growth in the CVR appears to occur between 20 and 25 weeks with a peak in the mean CVR occurring at 25 weeks gestation (51).

Can you live with CPAM?

Babies who have CPAM and hydrops typically will not survive unless they can respond quickly to medicine or undergo fetal surgery to remove the lesions. Hydrops can cause “mirror syndrome,” in which the mother “mirrors” the baby’s illness. The mother can develop high blood pressure and fluid retention.

Is CPAM serious?

CPAM is a cystic lung disease that affects fetuses and newborns, where abnormal tissue grows in the lungs. In most cases, the CPAM does not grow large enough to be dangerous for your baby. The tissue mass should be monitored during pregnancy and evaluated again after the baby is delivered.

Can a baby survive CPAM?

Why do babies get CPAM?

It happens when an abnormal mass forms in one of your baby’s lungs during pregnancy. The mass (often called a cyst or lesion) can make it harder for that lung to develop and work properly. Doctors aren’t sure what causes some fetuses to develop CPAM. The condition is not hereditary (passed down in families).