What is found in the anterior triangle of the neck?

The anterior cervical, infrahyoid, prelaryngeal, thyroid, pretracheal, paratracheal lymph nodes can also be found in this triangle. Its medial part includes the esophagus, trachea, thyroid gland, and the lower part of the larynx. Tracheostomy and thyroidectomy are invasive surgeries that access this triangle.

What makes up the anterior triangle?

The anterior triangles refer to bilateral anatomic subdivisions of the neck comprising the anterior surface of the neck, deep to the superficial cervical fascia and platysma muscle. Laterally, the anterior triangle is bounded by the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

What is in the submental triangle?

The submental triangle harbors the submental lymph nodes that drain the mental region, the tip of the tongue, inferior lip, and incisor teeth. Also, the mylohyoid nerve and veins that drain into the anterior jugular vein traverse this region [2].

What structures are located in the anterior neck?


  • Pharynx.
  • Larynx.
  • Oesophagus.
  • Thyroid Gland.
  • Parathyroid Glands.

What is the submental region of the neck?

The submental space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces). It is a potential space located between the mylohyoid muscle superiorly, the platysma muscle inferiorly, under the chin in the midline.

What is submandibular triangle?

The submandibular triangle, also known as the digastric triangle, is bounded anteriorly by the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, posteriorly by the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, superiorly by the mandible, and inferiorly by the mylohyoid and hypoglossus muscles.

What is posterior triangle of neck?

The posterior triangle has the following boundaries: Apex: Union of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles at the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone. Anteriorly: Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus. Posteriorly: Anterior border of the trapezius. Inferiorly: Middle one third of the clavicle.

What is the area called under your chin?

submental space
The submental space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces). It is a potential space located between the mylohyoid muscle superiorly, the platysma muscle inferiorly, under the chin in the midline.

What is under the chin?

Lymph nodes are part of the network of your immune system that help protect your body from illnesses. Many are located in the head and neck, including under the jaw and chin. Lymph nodes are small and flexible. They can be round or bean-shaped.

What is digastric triangle?