What is Athena mechanism?

Athena is a mechanism which handles the financing of common costs relating to EU military operations under the EU’s common security and defence policy (CSDP). On 1 March 2004, the Council of the European Union set up Athena.

What are the three core principles of the EU?


  • 3.1 Proportionality in Union action.
  • 3.2 Proportionality in state actions when implementing Union law.
  • 3.3 Horizontal cases.

What are the 5 aims of the EU?

These are the five big things the EU has set out to do.

  • Promote economic and social progress.
  • Speak for the European Union on the international scene.
  • Introduce European citizenship.
  • Develop Europe as an area of freedom, security and justice.
  • Maintain and build on established EU law.

What is European Peace Facility?

The European Peace Facility is an off-budget instrument that enhances the EU’s ability to act as a global security provider. It was established in March 2021 to preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security.

How does the EU promote peace?

The EU uses ‘soft power’ to seek to prevent conflict in fragile states and to promote reconciliation and the rule of law in areas like the Balkans. It encourages reform through allowing access to the Single Market and its development and humanitarian aid programmes.

What is the European Union simple explanation?

The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political union between 27 European countries. The predecessor of the EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War.

What are the four principles of the EU?

The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.

How can the EU support peace operations in Africa?

Until now EU support could only be provided to African-led peace support operations – i.e. operations led by the African Union or by African regional organisations. This was achieved through the African Peace Facility (AFP).

Does the EU have the capacity to deploy and coordinate peace missions?

However, as demonstrated above, the EU has not yet fully developed its capacity to deploy and coordinate peace missions worldwide. Therefore, the EU should be more Focused in its choices in order to maximize its strengths.

What are the priorities of the EU and UN peacekeeping operations?

These priorities reflect our respective added values and strengths, build on the achievements of our longstanding cooperation on peacekeeping and civilian and military crisis management and seek to ensure complementarity and enhance synergies between UN and EU missions and operations.

What is the EU’s role in maintaining international peace and security?

The EU would potentially strengthen its role in the maintenance of international peace and security and enhance its credibility and legitimacy. This, in turn would increase internal and external acceptance of EU’s external engagement and international role.