How do you do a site analysis for landscape design?

Here are 5 important steps involved in creating a thorough landscape architecture site analysis.

  1. Create A Layout Of What You Have & What You Ultimately Want.
  2. Locate All Important Landscape Features & Elements.
  3. Locate The Who’s Who Of The Land.
  4. Identify What Kind Of Soil You Are Working With.
  5. Put Together All Of The Data.

What is landscape site analysis?

According to Risa Edelstein, president of the Ecological Landscaping Association, “Site analysis involves taking pictures of the property and noting all of the key elements on-site such as existing structures and plant material, site views, water issues or anything else that may affect the design.”

What is site analysis in town planning?

Site analysis is a preliminary phase of architectural and urban design processes dedicated to the study of the climatic, geographical, historical, legal, and infrastructural context of a specific site.

Why is site analysis important for landscape design?

A Site Analysis helps understand unique problems associated with the property and how they can be best used to create a functional and enjoyable outdoor living space.

What is landscape site planning?

Site planning involves plans for specific developments in which precise arrangements of buildings, roadways, utilities, landscape elements, topography, water features, and vegetation are shown.

How do you do a site analysis for a garden?

Getting started

  1. If possible, allow a year to accurately assess your site. This way you can see your garden in every season.
  2. Create a simple drawing. Nothing fancy, just something that shows the various areas of your garden.
  3. Keep a journal of your observations. Jot down findings for each area throughout the year.

What is the relation of site planning to landscaping?

Site planning may include implementing areas for green space. Site planning is a process that involves developing and implementing a specific organizational plan for an interior or exterior space. Landscape architects develop site plans for the grounds surrounding a home or place of business.

What are all the elements of site analysis?

The typical site analysis includes the site location and size, neighborhood context, zoning, legal aspects, geology, physiography (natural and man-made features), hydrology, soils, vegetation, wildlife, climate, culture, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, access, utilities, historic factors, density, sensory stimuli …

How do you assess a garden?

Before starting a garden, take time to analyze your growing conditions: sun, shade, soil type, climate, and moisture. No plant, no matter how expensive, will look good if it is suffering. Growing conditions can be altered but only to a certain extent.

How do I create a landscape site analysis?

In order to create a landscape site analysis, you must first identify all of the site elements within your current landscaping by size, material and overall condition. Next, dig up some historical gold and find out what the land was used for in the past. Zoom back to the future to decide what the property needs to accomplish today.

How do you design a landscape on a flat site?

Depending on the goals of the landscape design plan, we may use steps and terracing to create varying elevations on a flat site. This helps us define use areas and add variety to the landscape. We could decide to alter a slope by removing earth and using that as fill to make another area more level.

What is landscaping guidelines and why is it important?

The process takes some time but proves a valuable tool in determining elements and conditions that will challenge and facilitate the right design for your landscaping. Using the right guidelines to inspire design results in landscaping that improves the local environment, as well as the longevity, durability and value of your property.

How does a landscape architect make decisions?

Based on these findings, a landscape architect can make preliminary decisions about features that will be incorporated into the master site plan and those that will be changed or deleted. Once we understand what we’ve got to work with, we can sketch out concepts that we know are buildable–based on known characteristics of the site.