What does the expression on track mean?

When someone is achieving or doing what is necessary or expected, we say they are on track: Codey plans to introduce a bill that would take away a year of high-school sports eligibility for a student who repeats a middle-school grade for athletic advantage despite being on track academically.

What does it mean to stay on track?

To continue to work or make progress as planned, expected, or desired. Please make sure everyone in your entire department stays on track to meet their sales quotas for the year.

Will be back on track synonym?

What is another word for back on track?

back on the horse back on the wagon
making progress again moving in the right direction

Where does back on track come from?

BACK ON TRACK AUSTRALIA Back on Track products were developed and refined by Swedish doctor Erland Beselin (Ph. D in transplantation immunology).

How do you use back on track in a sentence?

Continuing as planned or expected, typically after a problem or distraction. I’m sure all of you have very interesting weekend plans, but we need to get this meeting back on track. The train schedule seems to be back on track after all those delays this morning.

Are you on track meaning?

phrase. If someone or something is on track, they are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success. It may take some time to get the economy back on track. Synonyms: on course, on time, on target, on schedule More Synonyms of on track.

What’s another way of saying staying on track?

What is another word for on track?

on course on schedule
on target on time

What does it mean back in track?

Continuing as planned or expected, typically after a problem or distraction. I’m sure all of you have very interesting weekend plans, but we need to get this meeting back on track. The train schedule seems to be back on track after all those delays this morning. See also: back, on, track. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

What’s the opposite of on track?

What is the opposite of on track?

behind delayed
held up too late
overdue deferred
postponed behindhand
belated hindered

What does right on track mean?

DEFINITIONS1. doing or saying things that are likely to be successful or correct. Vanessa got back on track and won the match. on track to do something: We’re right on track to create two million new jobs.