How fast does liquid nitrogen boil-off?

How fast does liquid nitrogen boil-off? For a laboratory vessel holding liquid nitrogen, the boil- off rate may be 0.01 kg/h. For the natural gas peak-shaving plant storage tank the boil-off rate may be 0.05%/day. The boil-off rate can be used determine how long you can hold the cryogenic fluid in the specific container. What

What is Wi-Fi Watchdog?

What is Wi-Fi Watchdog? WiFi Watchdog is a system of passive sensors that use patented methods to locate wireless 802.11b/g users inside an administrator-defined physical geography. Watchdog is used as an overlay to an existing Wi-Fi network that has access points that can authenticate through the RADIUS protocol. What is a WiFi Watchdog in android?

What is redirection status code?

What is redirection status code? The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 302 Found redirect status response code indicates that the resource requested has been temporarily moved to the URL given by the Location header. What is the difference between server transfer and response redirect? Redirect from one application to another application, it will be redirected. It

What are all the locations in the giver?

What are all the locations in the giver? It begins with incubation in the Nurturing Center and ends with the Ceremony of Loss. Within the context of the community, some important places emerge, such as the Halls of Open and Closed Records, the Rehabilitation Center, family dwellings, the Auditorium, and the Annex (where the Giver

Can African dwarf frogs sing?

Can African dwarf frogs sing? African dwarf frogs are extremely easy to take care of. You feed them five tiny food pebbles (as tiny as sand grains) once a day in the morning. They don’t make any noise, except for a slight humming noise underwater every once in a while, which is their form of

How do I cook petite pois?

How do I cook petite pois? Add the fresh or frozen peas to the stock with the onions and lettuce. Cook over a low to medium heat for 10 minutes for the fresh peas or 5 minutes for the frozen peas – or until they are cooked through, but NOT mushy or too soft; they

What type of exercise does the CDC recommend?

What type of exercise does the CDC recommend? The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or an equivalent combination each week. How does the CDC define exercise? Exercise: A type of physical activity that involves planned,