Can you search Vimeo videos?

Most pages have a search bar in the upper right corner. If you are logged into an account, be sure to select Search all of Vimeo for… to find videos other than your own. Alternatively, go to Explore channels to find videos curated around certain themes and follow the ones that interest you.

How do I watch a live event on Vimeo?

Launch Livestream Studio and navigate to the Stream tab. Select Vimeo and log into your Vimeo account. Under the Stream tab, open the Select Event menu. Your event should be listed here.

Does Vimeo have live streaming?

To stream live video in up to 1080p HD using Vimeo, all you need is a camera, microphone, and a Vimeo Premium or Vimeo Enterprise membership. Learn more about how to live stream in our help center.

How do I find old videos on Vimeo?

To recover deleted or lost videos on Vimeo:

  1. Run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard and select the location or device where you lost/deleted videos. Click “Scan” to find the missing videos.
  2. After the scan, choose “Videos” in the left panel.
  3. Select the video files that you want to restore.

How do you find private videos on Vimeo?

On your Smart TV or Apple TV or other streaming device, load up your Vimeo App. Sign in to your free account. Access your private videos from the Watch Later list. You’ll still need to enter the password for each video, as long as they are set to Private, rather than Public.

Do you need an account to watch Vimeo livestream?

To stream live video in up to 1080p HD using Vimeo, you need a camera, microphone, and a Vimeo Premium or Vimeo Enterprise membership. This article will take you through setting up an event and going live on Vimeo. Vimeo Premium allows you to stream up to three events concurrently.

Can you watch a Vimeo livestream after it’s ended?

No, a recorded version of live stream will be available to watch for 48 hours after the event has ended. It will not be possible to watch the Live Stream from the start if you have missed the beginning of the broadcast.

How much is Vimeo Live?

Live Streaming It is also valuable for hosting virtual events. Although Vimeo has live streaming capabilities, it is only available on their Premium plan and above. Plans with live streaming start at $75/month.