How can you tell a female molly fish?

Males and females can be differentiated by the shape of their anal fin. Males have a anal fin that points backwards. Females’ anal fin looks just like the rest of their other fins. More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank.

How do you tell if a molly is a boy or girl?

It is fairly easy to determine the sex of a male molly. Males are more torpedo-shaped and have bigger fins than females. The males also have pointed gonopodia, modified anal fins they use to mate with females.

Can mollies change gender?

Mollies are not able to change gender. The gender of these fish is determined by their genetics so it is impossible for them to change sex. Your mollies might appear female at the beginning but they will get a male outward appearance as they mature.

How many female mollies should be kept together?

At least three or four mollies should be kept together. Mollies are shoaling fish, which means they’re more comfortable living with fish of the same species. While you should keep several mollies together, be sure not to overcrowd the tank.

Why do female mollies Chase male molly?

The reason mollies are fighting and chasing each other around the tank is all down to mating behavior. The fighting you are seeing is males either chasing females or sparing with other males.

How long do mollies stay pregnant?

As I’ve mentioned above, mollies are usually pregnant for a period anywhere from 20 to 40 days (average 30 days). Of course, that would be how long they’ll last from conception to birth. But before this period, there is usually a courtship period between the male and female molly, which can last another couple of days.

Will mollies eat their babies?

Molly babies get no protection from their parents. The tiny fish are just as likely to be eaten by their own mother as they are by other fish in the aquarium, so to survive they’re going to need a little help.

Can mollies crossbreed?

Can Different Types of Molly Fish Mate (Breed)? Albeit there being several varieties of molly fish, they all can be mated because regardless of the color or fin configuration, they are the same species, and any male will readily fertilize with all females.

How long do mollies give birth for?

Gestation and Birth Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days. They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry.

Can I keep a single molly?

Is it OK to keep one Molly Fish by herself? Yes, a single Molly Fish can live alone as long as she has all that she needs: clean water, good food, and enough space to swim and play in. Please don’t forget though, that she will be happier with tank mates—whether fellow Mollies or other compatible fish.

Can I keep a pair of mollies?

Mollies tend to stick together most of the time, which is why you should keep them in groups of 4 or more. If you are planning to keep more than 4 mollies, make sure you get a 20-gallon tank at least. A 45- gallon tank should be a perfect choice if you plan to manage multiple shoals of mollies.

Do female mollies fight?