How much is a bus from Oxford to London?
Coach Oxford London summary
Coach ticket from | £12.98 |
Maximum coach ticket price | £34 |
Average bus trip duration | 1h30m |
Bus companies | Megabus, National Express, BlaBlaCar |
Distance | 44 mi |
Are coaches running from Oxford to London?
Coach from Oxford to London in 1 hour 40 mins (fastest) Travelling between two of the UK’s most famous cities doesn’t have to be difficult or cost you the world. Please note: We are currently running a reduced network, with plans to add to it regularly as demand grows.
How long does Oxford Tube take?
Looking at the journey stops for the services the coach spends 40 minutes navigating Oxford. If you are visiting friends perhaps they could collect you at Thornhill Park and Ride, the journey time is then 1 hour.
How far is Oxford from train station?
Oxford Railway Station is a 5-10 minute walk from the centre of Oxford. Please use Google Maps or our interactive map to find your way from the station to the part of the University you are visiting.
What buses go to Oxford Street?
There are plenty of bus routes to Oxford Street: 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 23, 25, 73, 88, 94, 98, 113, 137, 139 & 159. For detailed bus information or to plan your route, contact London Travel Information’s 24 hour information line on 020 7222 1234 or visit the dedicated London Buses website.
How long does the bus from London to Oxford take?
Coach from London to Oxford in 1 hour 40 mins (fastest)
How busy is the Oxford Tube?
The Oxford Tube is currently running up to every 10 in morning peaks from Oxford, with an average frequency of 20 minutes throughout the day, Monday to Friday and 12-15 minutes at weekends.
How much is Park and Ride in Oxford?
East of Oxford, 15 mins from city centre (400 bus to city centre and 800/900 bus to hospitals). Thornhill park and ride is run by Oxfordshire County Council. Separate charges apply to parking and bus….Parking only charges.
Time | Cost |
Up to 1 hour | Free |
Up to 11 hours | £2 |
11-24 hours | £4 |
24-48 hours | £8 |
Is the Oxford Tube 24 hours?
Oxford Tube is a coach service for travel between Oxford and London. The service runs up to every 8 minutes and operates 24 hours a day.
How often is the Oxford Tube?
Oxford Tube coaches run up to every 10 minutes*, delivering a very reliable service for commuters or those looking for a day out in the Capital or University city of Oxford.