How old is Kevin Hill the painter?

26 years old
My name is Kevin Hill, I’m currently 26 years old and started oil painting when I was 15. I am almost completely self-taught, learning most of my painting lessons from mistakes, practice and successes.

What paint does Kevin Hill use?

Use the same paint as professional artist Kevin Hill. This heavy body acrylic paint is designed using artist’s pigments for truly brilliant color and the thick, heavy body of the paint lends itself to creating texture and proper coverage.

Who is Kevin Hill painter?

Kevin Hill is an American painter with a keen interest in drawing animals and nature. Oil paint and brushes are his preferred media for painting. He paints and teaches as well, offering a chance for others to explore their natural skills in the “Paint with Kevin” video series.

What do you think would happen if an artist is not literate of handling computers?

Which do you think will happen if an artists in not literate in handling computers and other gadgets in creating an artwork? it will be very difficult for an artist to create an artwork using modern gadgets since it requires skills in handling it.

What nationality is Andrew Tischler?

I was born in the United States and moved to Australia when I was 10 years old. I stayed in Australia for 20+ years where I studied my craft.

Who is Renato Muccillo?

Renato Muccillo’s lush, atmospheric oil paintings are a response to his love of the natural environment. From his home near Vancouver, BC, he has access to the an array of enticing subjects to paint. He skillfully paints the big moody skies that tower over our rainy West Coast.

How many principles of art are there?

eight principles
The eight principles of art are balance, proportion, unity, harmony, variety, emphasis, rhythm, and movement. All of these principles clearly deal with the placement of elements within artwork.

When was Renato Muccillo born?

Renato Muccillo (Canadian, born 1965 )

What should I look for in a painting?

Common Characteristics of Good Paintings

  • A Strong Focal Point. A focal point is not like the big, bold “X” that marks the spot on a treasure map.
  • Layers of Color. When it comes to painting characteristics, color is key to keep in mind.
  • Changes in Direction.