Is there a mentor appreciation day?

Since October 27 is National Mentoring Day, it’s the perfect time to think of a mentor that shaped you into who you are today. It’s time to celebrate them! National Mentoring Day was created to highlight the importance of mentoring in all forms.

How do you celebrate mentoring Month?

Here are four ways to do just that.

  1. Thank your mentor. Send your own mentor a thank-you note to show your appreciation for their hard work in helping you to achieve your goals.
  2. Support education programs.
  3. Sign up to mentor.
  4. Attend a National Mentoring Month event.
  5. Ask Congress for help.

Who started National Mentoring Month?

The Harvard School of Public Health and MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership founded National Mentoring Month in 2002.

How do we celebrate National mentor month?

How is National Mentoring Month celebrated?

  1. Thank your mentor. Send your own mentor a thank-you note to show your appreciation for their hard work in helping you to achieve your goals.
  2. Support education programs.
  3. Sign up to mentor.
  4. Attend a National Mentoring Month event.
  5. Ask Congress for help.

Is February National Mentoring Month?

National Mentoring Month is an annual designation observed in January.

How to celebrate National Mentoring Month?

Be a mentor for someone. Join a mentoring program if available in your city,or be a helping hand to someone who needs assistance.

  • Find a mentor to guide you. Decide what goals you want to achieve.
  • Treat the mentors in your life. Thank your mentor with a nice gift this month,or take them out for lunch.
  • What are you doing to celebrate National Mentoring Month?

    Mentoring creates unity. Mentoring allows people to grow and improve themselves.

  • Seeking a mentor builds courage. National Mentoring Month is a great way to introduce yourself to others and build courage.
  • Mentor others to help your community. Many states offer chances for young people to join mentoring communities.
  • When is mentor Appreciation Day?

    Since October 27 is National Mentoring Day, it’s the perfect time to think of a mentor that shaped you into who you are today. It’s time to celebrate them! National Mentoring Day was created to highlight the importance of mentoring in all forms.

    Is January National Mentoring Month?

    January was first recognized as National Mentoring month in 2002, marking the start of a campaign to promote mentoring opportunities that would build connections between young people and adults.