What are the forms of inteligente?


  • bomba inteligente.
  • inteligentemente.
  • tarjeta inteligente.
  • teléfono inteligente.

Is C EST masculine or feminine?

neuter singular
C’est is neuter singular; its plural form is ce sont. However, c’est is used informally for both. Il est is masculine singular; its other forms are elle est (feminine singular), ils sont (masculine plural), and elles sont (feminine plural).

Does Buena come before or after noun?

In general, Spanish adjectives go after nouns. As you say, there are exceptions. “Bueno”, “malo” and “grande” are good examples. These are placed before nouns and are reduced to “buen”, “mal” and “gran”, respectively.

How do you use C est?

If there is a noun, use “c’est”.

  1. C’est une belle voiture. It’s a nice car. ( belle comes before the noun)
  2. C’est sa voiture. It’s his car. ( Sa comes before the noun)
  3. C’est cette voiture. ( cette comes before the noun)

What type of adjective is inteligente?

2. Adjectives with two forms

inteligente = intelligent fácil = easy
masculine singular inteligente fácil
feminine singular inteligente fácil
masculine plural inteligentes fáciles
feminine plural inteligentes fáciles

What does inteligente mean in English?

intelligent , clever
[ı̃teliˈʒẽtʃi ] pessoa) intelligent , clever. technical) smart.

Is inteligente masculine feminine?

Intelligente is the singular form of the adjective and may be used to describe both masculine and feminine subjects, whereas the plural form is intelligenti.

Is inteligente masculine or feminine in Spanish?

intelligent inteligente
feminine femenino

What is the singular form of inteligente?

intelligent intelligente

intelligent Masculine Feminine
Singular intelligent intelligente
Plural intelligents intelligentes

Is it possible to feminise the name Peter?

It’s not an easy name to feminise. Could you just stick it in as it is (there must be girls with mn Peters what is an s here of there) You could always use Cephas (less people know it so you could use it for a mn for a girl) And you still get Peter. wearenotamused – I had wondered about that too. I’m not sure I’d love a man’s mn though myself..

Is it possible to feminise the name PETA?

Peta is the ‘girl’ spelling. It’s not an easy name to feminise. Could you just stick it in as it is (there must be girls with mn Peters what is an s here of there) You could always use Cephas (less people know it so you could use it for a mn for a girl) And you still get Peter.

Why is Peter called Peter the Great?

Born Simon bar Jonah, he was given the nickname Peter by Jesus, to signify that he would be the rock on which Christ would build Christianity. Centuries later, there was Peter the Great, the czar who developed Russia as a major European power. One of the most familiar—if not stereotypical—Gallic names.

Is it Peter or Peter Peadair?

For Americans, may prove too much of a twist on Peter. The Finnish form of Peter was most common in its culture of origin in the 1950s and ’60s. Creative variation on Peter. Peadair is one way to reinvent a classic, though insisting on the authentic pronunciation could cause problems.