What did Willem Janszoon discover in Australia?

Willem Janszoon became the first European to map Australian coastline during a voyage of discovery on the small Dutch ship, Duyfken, in 1606.

Who is Willem Janszoon?

Willem Janszoon, sometimes abbreviated to Willem Jansz., was a Dutch navigator and colonial governor. Janszoon served in the Dutch East Indies in the periods 1603–1611 and 1612–1616, including as governor of Fort Henricus on the island of Solor.

What was Willem Jansz best known for?

Willem Jansz, a Dutch sea captain, was the first European to catch sight of Australia. But like another man far more famous for being the first Caucasian to glimpse a continent—Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)—Jansz had no idea what he had found.

Where did Willem Janszoon explore Australia?

contribution to Australian exploration Late in 1605 Willem Jansz (Janszoon) of Amsterdam sailed aboard the Duyfken from Bantam in the Dutch East Indies in search of New Guinea. He reached the Torres Strait a few weeks before Torres and named what was later to prove part of the Australian coast—Cape Keer-Weer, on…

Why did Willem Jansz explore?

In November 1605 the VOC sent Janzsoon and the Duyfken on an exploratory mission to ‘Nova Guinea’, which was assumed to be close to (or perhaps even part of) the great-unknown southern landmass. Their goal was to search for land and resources (especially gold) that could be exploited by the company.

Where was Willem Janszoon from?

Spanish NetherlandsWillem Janszoon / Place of birth

Why did Willem Janszoon come to Australia?

What did Abel Tasman discover?

Abel Tasman is officially recognised as the first European to ‘discover’ New Zealand in 1642. His men were the first Europeans to have a confirmed encounter with Māori. The misunderstanding and fear aroused by two such different worlds coming together soon led to violence.

Where is Willem Jansz from?

How did Willem Janszoon contribute to the settlement of Australia?

First voyage to Australia After that, Janszoon crossed the eastern end of the Arafura Sea into the Gulf of Carpentaria, without being aware of the existence of Torres Strait. The Duyfken was actually in Torres Strait in February 1606, a few months before Spanish explorer Luís Vaz de Torres sailed through it.