What does echo mean in Greek?

The word echo derives from the Greek ἠχώ (ēchō), itself from ἦχος (ēchos), “sound”. Echo in the Greek folk story is a mountain nymph whose ability to speak was cursed, leaving her able only to repeat the last words spoken to her.

What is the etymology of the word echo?

mid-14c., “sound repeated by reflection,” from Latin echo, from Greek echo, personified in classical mythology as a mountain nymph who pined away for love of Narcissus until nothing was left of her but her voice, from or related to ekhe “sound,” ekhein “to resound,” from PIE *wagh-io-, extended form of root *(s)wagh- ” …

What did Echo mean in ancient Greece?

Echo, in Greek mythology, a mountain nymph, or oread. Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book III, relates that Echo offended the goddess Hera by keeping her in conversation, thus preventing her from spying on one of Zeus’ amours.

What does name Echo mean?

reflected sound
Meaning:reflected sound. Echo as a girl’s name is of Latin and Greek origin meaning “reflected sound”. In mythology, Echo was a nymph who loved Narcissus and faded away until only her voice was left behind.

What did echo mean in ancient Greece?

What does name echo mean?

Who was Echo?

What happened to Echo in Greek mythology?

The end of Echo Narcissus came across a lake and there, he fell in love with his own image, causing his death, unable to move. Echo mourned for him and eventually died away herself, leaving only her voice behind.

What was echo the goddess of?


Loved by Pan
Goddess of Echoes
Home Mount Cithaeron in Boeotia

What happened to Echo Greek?

To punish Echo, Hera deprived her of speech, except for the ability to repeat the last words of another. Echo’s hopeless love for Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image, made her fade away until all that was left of her was her voice.

How is Echo related to Greek mythology?

Who was Echo? Echo was an Oread in Greek mythology, a mountain nymph that lived on Mount Kithairon. The curse of Hera Zeus was quite attracted to nymphs and often visited them.