What does Tetralysal 300mg treat?

Tetralysal belongs to a group of medicines called tetracycline antibiotics. The main use of Tetralysal is to treat acne. Acne appears as blackheads and whiteheads which people often refer to as pimples or spots. Tetralysal attacks the bacteria that are one of the main causes of acne.

How long is a course of Tetralysal?

Tetralysal is normally taken for a minimum of 8 weeks to treat acne. After 8 weeks you should be able to tell if it has helped to improve your skin and then make a decision as to whether they should be continued or not.

How quickly does Tetralysal work?

How long you will have to take Tetralysal for will depend on how quickly your condition improves. For acne, this will normally be at least 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of treatment with Tetralysal it is important to see your doctor again. He or she can then check the improvement of your acne.

What infections does Tetralysal treat?

Lymecycline is a tetracycline-type antibiotic that is most often prescribed to treat acne (spots). It’s also used to treat bacterial infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia and mycoplasma infections, some sexually-transmitted infections and trachoma (a form of conjunctivitis).

Can you take Tetralysal at night?

Tetralysal can be taken in the morning or at night, with or without food. least 8 weeks. Continue to use even though there may not be an immediate effect. Medicines can take several weeks to show an effect.

Does Tetralysal make you sleepy?

Lymecycline side effects: tiredness Tiredness and fatigue can be side effects of taking lymecycline.

What is the strongest medicine for acne?

Isotretinoin is an oral retinoid that treats and prevents acne. Oral isotretinoin is usually viewed as the most powerful acne medication for severe acne on the market and is typically used to treat only the most persistent cases of acne that don’t respond to other treatments.

What are the side effects of Tetralysal?

The following adverse effects were reported with tetracyclines in general and may occur with Tetralysal: dysphagia, oesophagitis, oesophageal ulceration, systemic lupus erythematosus, pancreatitis, teeth discolouration, hepatitis, hepatic failure.

Can you get pregnant while taking Tetralysal?

There’s no evidence to suggest that taking lymecycline reduces fertility in either men or women. Speak to a pharmacist or doctor before taking it if you’re trying to get pregnant as they may recommend alternative treatment for you.

Can I take Tetralysal with food?

You can take Tetralysal on a full or empty stomach. If you are feeling sick after taking Tetralysal, you can try eating some food while taking the medication. Alternatively, if you are taking Tetralysal with a meal (for example, breakfast), you can try taking the medication without food.

Does Tetralysal have side effects?

In some cases, you may experience skin reactions as a side effect of taking Tetralysal. These may include dry skin, itching, redness, sensitivity to sunlight, or a rash.

How many pills are in a pack of tetralysal 300?

As with all medicines, Tetralysal 300 should be kept out of the sight and reach of children. Aluminium-PVC/PVDC calendar blister strips of 14 capsules; two strips per carton, pack size = 28 capsules or Aluminium and polyethylene strips 28 or 56 capsule pack size.

What is tetralysal used for?

Tetralysal belongs to a group of medicines called tetracycline antibiotics. The main use of Tetralysal is to treat acne. Acne appears as blackheads and whiteheads which people often refer to as pimples or spots. Tetralysal attacks the bacteria that are one of the main causes of acne.

What is the color of the tetralysal capsules?

Tetralysal capsules are red and yellow. Tetralysal is available in a carton containing 28 or 56 capsules packed in polyethylene/foil blisters. A carton containing 28 capsules in PVC/foil blisters (14 capsules in two calendar strips) is also approved. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Does milk interfere with absorption of tetralysal 300?

Unlike earlier tetracyclines, absorption of Tetralysal 300 is not significantly impaired by moderate amounts of milk. Concomitant use of oral retinoids and vitamin A (above 10 000 IU/day) should be avoided as this may increase the risk of benign intracranial hypertension.