What is a CICA stay?

The Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) requires agencies, in most instances, to stay the award of a contract, or stay the performance of an awarded contract, if timely notice of a protest is received.

How many days after a required debrief does an offeror have to protest?

ten days
The automatic stay applies if a protest is filed on or before the later of: (i) ten days after contract award; or (ii) five days after “the debriefing date” that is offered to an unsuccessful offeror (when a debriefing is required and requested). 31 U.S.C. § 3553(d)(4).

How long does Gao have to rule on a protest?

How long does GAO take to decide a protest? We must decide a protest within 100 calendar days. We always seek to issue a decision as far in advance of the 100-day deadline as possible.

What is the Competition in Contracting Act?

What Is the Competition In Contracting Act? Competition In Contracting Act is a policy established by Congress in 1984 to encourage competition for government contracts. The idea behind the policy is that the increased competition will result in improved savings to the government through more competitive pricing.

What is an agency level protest?

Agency-level protests are governed by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 33.103 and agency FAR supplements. In a nutshell, they are written complaints addressed to the contracting officer or another designated official requesting corrective action of some sort.

Can you protest far 8?

Federal Supply Schedule contracts, however, are not treated as task or delivery order contracts and are not subject to the bar. This means one can protest a FAR Part 8 order regardless of its value, and can even take the protest to the Court of Federal Claims, if one wants.

What is a CICA violation?

By definition, under CICA, any procurement contract entered into without full and open competition is noncompetitive. This is not to say, however, that every procurement contract entered into without using competitive procedures is in violation of CICA.

What is a full and open contract?

Under CICA, “full and open competition” results when “all responsible sources are permitted to. submit sealed bids or competitive proposals.” 32 A responsible source is a prospective contractor. who (1) has adequate financial resources to perform the contract, or the ability to acquire such.