What is an Rcpsc specialist?

RCPSC means the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, a national organization that sets educational standards for medical specialist physicians.

What is a personal learning project?

A personal learning project (PLP) is a self-initiated learning activity that is stimulated by a question, issue or dilemma in your professional practice. PLPs are one of the most versatile forms of continuing professional development.

What are MOC credits?

MOC (maintenance of certification) points are mandated by the medical specialty board and required for you to maintain your board certification. MOC requirements are often considered to be more complex than CME, because it requires certain activities and includes passing a recertification exam.

What is the difference between Frcp and MRCP?

Thus the designation “FRCP” is an honor beyond “MRCP”. The designations are different for surgical doctors because only the Fellow designation exists. Surgical doctors become Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) by passing a difficult exam (as medical doctors must to become Members of the RCP).

Is MRCS accepted in Canada?

International medical graduates are candidates who have completed postgraduate residency training outside of Canada or the United States. To be eligible for Royal College exams, candidates do not have to live in Canada or hold Canadian citizenship….

Fall exams
Deadline to apply November 1

How can I improve my learning?

9 Tips to Improve How you Learn & Your Learning Capacity

  1. Vary your learning routine, locations and material.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Space your study time.
  4. “Cramming” for an exam can work….
  5. Use self testing.
  6. Take notes in class and review them.
  7. Don’t worry about short breaks or distractions while you’re studying.

How many MOC points do I need for ABIM?

100 points
To be reported as Certified, you must earn 100 points every five years (the points you earn every two years count toward your 100 points) and meet the MOC assessment requirement through the traditional 10-year exam, the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA™), or a Collaborative Maintenance Pathway (CMP) assessment.

Does ABIM MOC count as CME?

ABIM’s collaboration with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) provides the opportunity for ABIM Board Certified physicians to earn MOC points for thousands of accredited CME activities. Visit CME Passport to search the list of CME activities that earn ABIM MOC points.

Where can I find resources for teaching the CanMEDS roles?

Find practical and accessible medical education resources designed to help you teach and assess the CanMEDS Roles. Check out the bi-weekly podcast known as Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME), covering the main points of a medical education article in just 10 minutes.

What are the different roles in CanMEDS?

The CanMEDS Roles. Medical Expert (the integrating role) Communicator. Collaborator. Leader. Health Advocate. Scholar. Professional. The overarching goal of CanMEDS is to improve patient care.

What is the CanMEDS Framework?

The CanMEDS Framework has been integrated into the Royal College’s accreditation standards, specialty training documents, final in-training evaluations, exam blueprints and the Maintenance of Certification Program.

What is a competent physician?

A competent physician seamlessly integrates the competencies of all seven CanMEDS Roles. The overarching goal of CanMEDS is to improve patient care. The CanMEDS model has been adapted around the world, both within and outside the health professions.