What is condition testing in white box testing?

White box testing is an approach that allows testers to inspect and verify the inner workings of a software system—its code, infrastructure, and integrations with external systems.

What are types of white box testing?

There are three main types of white box testing techniques and methods related to code coverage: statement, branch, and function coverage.

Is condition coverage is a black-box testing?

Condition coverage test: Each one of the Boolean expression with values TRUE and FALSE. For this, tester should know the code. Hence it is White box testing. Equivalence class partitioning: divides the input test data into each partition at least once of equivalent data from which test cases can be derived.

How do you do white box testing?

Step-by-Step White Box Testing Example

  1. Step 1: Identify the feature, component, program to be tested.
  2. Step 2: Plot all possible paths in a flowgraph.
  3. Step 3: Identify all possible paths from the flowgraph.
  4. Step 4: Write Test Cases to cover every single path on the flowgraph.
  5. Step 5: Execute, rinse, repeat.

What is fault masking?

Fault masking is a dangerous condition in safety circuits. It results from daisy chaining multiple safety devices in a safety circuit, which raises the possibility of hiding safety device faults during troubleshooting.

What is meant by verification and validation?

Validation is the process of checking whether the specification captures the customer’s requirements, while verification is the process of checking that the software meets specifications.

What is a condition testing?

Condition Testing is another structural testing method that is useful during unit testing, using source code or detailed pseudocode as a reference for test design. Its goal is the thorough testing of every condition or test that occurs in the source code.

What is basic condition coverage?

Basic condition coverage means that every basic condition in the program is true in some test and false in some test, regardless of other conditions.

Why is white box testing needed?

White Box Testing is essential because it helps to test the following: It is executed at different levels such as system, integration and unit level of software development. One primary goal of White Box Testing is to verify the working of an application.