What is condylomata lata?

Condyloma lata are flesh colored or hypopigmented, macerated papules or plaques. They have been reported in 9 to 44% of syphilis cases. Their surface may be smooth, papillated or covered with cauliflower-like vegetations.

How is condyloma lata diagnosed?

In most cases, condylomata lata can be easily identified and diagnosed through physical examination of the genital area. Examination of the lesion under magnification (i.e., colposcope: used to examine cervical, vaginal, or vulvar lesions) may also be needed for a more detailed evaluation.

What stage of syphilis is condyloma lata?

Condylomata lata or condyloma latum, is a cutaneous condition characterized by wart-like lesions on the genitals. They are generally symptoms of the secondary phase of syphilis, caused by the spirochete, Treponema pallidum.

What is the difference between condyloma lata and acuminata?

Condylomata acuminata are caused by HPV isotypes that do not cause cancer. Accordingly, these genital warts are not precancerous and do not progress to invasive carcinomas. Condylomata acuminata must be distinguished from condylomata lata, the flat papules of secondary syphilis.

What is the histopathology of condyloma Lata?

Histopathology of condyloma lata. A, Parakeratosis with neutrophilic crust, eroded irregular epidermal hyperplasia with hypogranulosis and superficial pallor, and a dense perivascular infiltrate with numerous neutrophils and plasma cells (original magnification, 40×) B, T. pallidumimmunohistochemical testing revealed numerous spirochetal forms.

Is syphilis a Condylomata lata?

Syphilis. When it occurs, it may present as condylomata lata, as isolated chancres, exanthems, or alopecia. Extragenital chancres are frequent in children with syphilis, including chancres of the lips, mouth, tongue, and thigh. Condylomata lata in children are generally perianal but may be perineal (Figs 16.78–16.79 ).

What is condyloma Lata of the ankle?

When the papules become hypertrophic and coalesced on macerated skin or mucous membranes, they are called condyloma lata, which more commonly occur around the anus and vulva. We report a case of condylomata lata occurring on the ankle, an unusual site. Case presentation

What are the characteristics of condyloma latum?

Characteristic of condyloma latum is the presence of exophytic, sometimes friable, papillary to polypoid lesions within the oral cavity. Condyloma latum contains abundant microorganisms (Treponema pallidum), making it potentially infectious.