What is H2 database used for?

H2 is a disk-based or in-memory databases and tables, read-only database support, temporary tables. H2 provides transaction support (read committed), 2-phase-commit multiple connections, table level locking. H2 is a cost-based optimizer, using a genetic algorithm for complex queries, zeroadministration.

How do I access my H2 memory database?

To access an in-memory database from another process or from another computer, you need to start a TCP server in the same process as the in-memory database was created. The other processes then need to access the database over TCP/IP or TLS, using a database URL such as: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1 .

What is H2 database console?

The H2 Console application lets you access a database using a browser. This can be a H2 database, or another database that supports the JDBC API. This is a client/server application, so both a server and a client (a browser) are required to run it.

What is H2 programming?

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in the client-server mode. It can be used also in a memory mode. H2 has a very small footprint. It somes with a browser based management application called H2 Console.

Is H2 an SQL database?

Welcome to H2, the Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are: Very fast, open source, JDBC API. Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases.

Is H2 a relational DB?

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in client-server mode.

How do I enable remote database in H2?

“h2 database allow remote database creation” Code Answer’s

  1. spring. datasource. url=jdbc:h2:~/test.
  2. spring. datasource. driverClassName=org. h2. Driver.
  3. spring. datasource. username=sa.
  4. spring. datasource. password=
  5. spring. jpa. database-platform=org. hibernate. dialect. H2Dialect.

How do I run H2 database locally?


  1. Add the h2*. jar to the classpath (H2 does not have any dependencies)
  2. Use the JDBC driver class: org. h2. Driver.
  3. The database URL jdbc:h2:~/test opens the database test in your user home directory.
  4. A new database is automatically created.

Where does H2 database store data?

H2 can be configured to run as an in-memory database, but it can also be persistent, e.g., its data will be stored on disk.

Is H2 a good database?

As of 2019, H2 is a superb database. We use it in all of our standalone applications since 4 years and we see it minimizes a gap between SQLite and MySQL. It performs as fast as or faster than MySQL.

Is H2 open source?

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in client-server mode. The software is available as open source software Mozilla Public License 2.0 or the original Eclipse Public License.

How do you run a H2?

Using H2

  1. H2 is open source, free to use and distribute.
  2. Download: jar, installer (Windows), zip.
  3. To start the H2 Console tool, double click the jar file, or run java -jar h2*. jar , h2.
  4. A new database is automatically created by default if an embedded URL is used.
  5. Closing the last connection closes the database.