What is iconv exe?

This is a free utility provided with Systems Tester for converting the text encoding from one encoding format to another. There may be cases where your application can read only data encoded using certain specific encoding. In such cases iconv.exe can be used to convert the text encoding.

How do I change file encoding in Windows?

Choose an encoding standard when you open a file

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Scroll to the General section, and then select the Confirm file format conversion on open check box.
  5. Close and then reopen the file.
  6. In the Convert File dialog box, select Encoded Text.

What is iconv function?

The iconv() function converts a sequence of characters in one character encoding to a sequence of characters in another character encoding.

What does iconv function do in R?

This function uses the base package function iconv to translate variable descriptions (a.k.a variable labels) and value labels of item , data. set , and importer objects into a specified encoding.

What is Iconv DLL?

To support different languages and character sets, Microsoft Windows versions of GnuPG make use of a DLL called “iconv. dll”. This DLL has been written by the GNU project too and is used by several applications ported from GNU/Linux to MS Windows systems.

How do I enable Iconv extension in PHP?

To enable iconv in Windows package installations of Moodle:

  1. Open the php. ini file found in the moodle/apache/bin folder.
  2. Find the line: ;extension=php_iconv. dll.
  3. Remove the ; at the beginning of the line.
  4. Restart apache for the change to take effect.

What is iconv and Oconv functions?

ICONV and OCONV functions are quite often used to handle data in Datastage. ICONV converts a string to an internal storage format and OCONV converts an expression to an output format.

How do I enable iconv?

What is the difference between iconv_open() and iconv() function?

Function iconv_open () has as its first parameter OUTPUT encoding, and as second parameter INPUT encoding. While iconv () function has as first parameters INPUT variables, and as second parameters OUTPUT variables. This inconsistency is really confusing.

How do I use an icon in an application?

To use an icon, your application must get a handle to the icon. The following example shows how to create two different icon handles: one for the standard question icon and one for a custom icon included as a resource in the application’s resource-definition file.

How to access output buffer after iconv() function finish its work?

When you need to access output buffer after iconv () function finish its work, you have to access it via different pointer than one passed to this function. In my code I’m using *dst and pOut ptrs;

How do I perform tasks related to icons?

The following topics describe how to perform certain tasks related to icons: To use an icon, your application must get a handle to the icon. The following example shows how to create two different icon handles: one for the standard question icon and one for a custom icon included as a resource in the application’s resource-definition file.