What is ITPE health and welfare fund?

Welcome to your ITPEU Benefit Funds Website The ITPEU is an organization consisting of men and women of every race, religion and ethnic background, all of whom are dedicated to the improvement of their lives and of their families’ lifestyles.

What is Itpeu pension fund?

The Board of Trustees has designated the ITPEU Pension Plan as a profit sharing plan pursuant to Section 401(a)(27)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the Plan are made by the Employers in accordance with their collective bargaining agreements with ITPEU, AFL-CIO.

What does Itpeu stand for?

the Industrial, Technical & Professional Employees Union
By Constitutional Amendment 98-2, the name of the Union was changed from District No. 5, ITPE-NMU/MEBA to the Industrial, Technical & Professional Employees Union, AFL-CIO, and, for the purposes of brevity, we are still known as the ITPEU.

How do I download the itpeu benefit funds app?

You can now download the ITPEU Benefit Funds app on your Android or iPhone free of charge. Go to the Google Play Store or the App Store on your iPhone to download the App. The app gives you an easy way to check your benefits’ account, apply for benefits or get plan information on the app.

Why should I join the itpeu?

They achieve those goals by uniting through the ITPEU to gain the strength to negotiate the best possible collective bargaining agreements. It is this unity which allows them to earn a good day’s pay and benefits in exchange for their good day’s work.

How do I enter my itpeu H&W plan ID number?

When you input your ITPEU H&W plan ID number – found on the Blue Cross card, make sure you enter the entire member ID number, including the letters. For example, your ID number would look something like this: ITTAN9999999. Also, your name on your ID card must be exactly as on your BC card.