What is Mars technique in MRI?

A metal artifact reduction sequence (MARS) is intended to reduce the size and intensity of susceptibility artifacts resulting from magnetic field distortion.

What is metal artifact reduction sequence?

Abstract. Artifact arising from metal hardware remains a significant problem in orthopedic magnetic resonance imaging. The metal artifact reduction sequence (MARS) reduces the size and intensity of susceptibility artifacts from magnetic field distortion.

What is Mars technique?

In the knee, the MARS technique allows visualization of structures adjacent to implanted metal staples, pins, or screws. The technique can significantly improve visualization of periprosthetic bone and soft-tissue structures even in patients who have undergone total knee arthroplasty.

Why does metal artifact cause signal void?

Metal causes artifacts on MR images because they have higher magnetic susceptibility values than human tissue, causing the disruption of magnetic field homogeneity (1). This usually results in signal loss with a rim around the edges and geometrical distortion (arrows on Figure 1).

What is warp MRI?

The term WARP summarizes methods to minimize the impact of metal implants on MR image quality. This article introduces different techniques such as high bandwidth, VAT and SEMAC.

What is metal artifact MRI?

The presence of metallic implants in MRI can cause substantial image artifacts, including signal loss, failure of fat suppression, geometric distortion, and bright pile-up artifacts. These cause large resonant frequency changes and failure of many MRI mechanisms.

What is artifact reduction?

Artifact reduction (removal) is a process of identifying artifact components in the EEG signal and separating them from the neuronal sources.

Does metal show up on MRI?

Pins, plates and metallic joints Metal that is well secured to the bone, such as hip and knee joint replacements, will not be affected by an MRI. The metal won’t heat up or move in response to the machine. But if the metal is near an organ, such as the prostate, distortion could be a problem.

What is a maverick MRI?

MAVRIC is a novel MRI technique that can be used to further reduce artifact around metallic implants. MAVRIC can be performed with conventional MRI hardware and software and generates images in clinically feasible imaging times.

How does metal artifact reduction work?

Projection-based metal artifact reduction (MAR) algorithms act in projection space and replace corrupted projections caused by metal with interpolation from neighboring uncorrupted projections. MAR algorithms primarily suppress artifacts that are due to photon starvation.