What is natrum Carbonicum used for?

SBL Natrum Carbonicum Dilution is a homeopathic remedy used for the treatment of multiple health complications primarily focused on treating digestive disorders, can be used to relieve a headache and symptoms of flu. It is also used to treat certain skin conditions such as warts, blisters, herpes and related symptoms.

What is natrum phosphoricum used for?

SBL Natrum Phosphoricum Dilution is also known as the phosphate of sodium Dilution. It is useful against symptoms caused due to increase in lactic acid. Complaints related to excess of acidity is treated by it. It is also useful against dyspepsia, dull feeling and dizziness of head and heartburn.

What is a natrum?

Natrum muriaticum is the homeopathic remedy commonly known as table salt or sodium chloride. Salt is the second most common substance in nature, water being the first. Salt is an important component in regulating the balance of body fluids. Salt is a constituent in both body fluids and tissues.

What is the use of natrum Sulphuricum?

Natrum sulphuricum treatment for Head ailments: Occipital pain. Piercing stitches in ears. Vertigo; relieved by sweat on head. Bursting feeling on coughing.

What is the use of nux vomica 200?

Despite serious safety concerns, nux vomica is used for diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of the heart and circulatory system, diseases of the eye, and lung disease. It is also used for nerve conditions, depression, migraine headache, symptoms of menopause, and a blood vessel disorder called Raynaud’s disease.

What is natrum Sulph?

Natrum Sulph Dilution is a homeopathic medicine containing Sulphate of Sodium-Glauber’s Salt. It is a liver remedy, especially indicated for the so-called hydrogenoid constitution, where the complaints are such as are due to living in damp houses, basements, cellars. They are worse in rainy weather, water in any form.