What is the best site for LoL builds?

3 Great Sites To Find League Of Legends Builds & Guides

  • MOBAFire. MOBAFire is definitely the go-to solution when you’re looking for a competitive edge in League of Legends.
  • LoL Pro. LoL Pro is one of the newer League of Legends build sites, but already one of the best.
  • SoloMid.NET.

Is Zeri a bottom?

She is a Marksman who will be predominantly played in the bottom lane. Zeri has an interesting concept with many tools older champions would literally die for!

What is the best league helper?

The Blitz is touted as the number one app used by casual gamers and pros alike. Its best feature is how it completely automates everything. This app can let you import runes, summoner spells, and even item builds automatically.

Is Zeri an ADC?

New League of Legends ADC Zeri is the perfect enchanter counter.

How accurate is GG?

U.GG is the most accurate League of Legends Statistics site. If there are 30 seconds left in champ select and you have no idea what runes to take, U.GG is your quick and easy solution to win the lane.

Is the Mobalytics App good?

The Mobalytics Desktop App is your ideal gaming assistant whether you want to climb faster or want to learn League of Legends in a fun new way. It has all the tools from the browser version along with brand new powerful features and quality of life improvements.

What race is Yuumi?

Yuumi is a magical cat familiar to a Yordle Enchantress named Norra.

What is zeris win rate?

It has been only two days since Zeri’s release in League of Legends and already players are spamming her on Solo Queue. Unfortunately, Zeri’s 39% win rate over 17K matches indicates that they’re not playing her well.

Is blitz or Mobalytics better?

Mobalytics have a good stats page, nice pre game, and GPI after the game. Blitz.gg doesn’t have fancy graphs or GPI due to some bug, has nice pre game that helps more than mobalytics, and only shows the stats like league stats in post game.

Is Zeri better mid or bot?

Since she gains value from her allies while dueling opponents, it is best to play Zeri in the bot-lane rather than taking her to mid or top.

Is Zeri Q an auto?

Zeri gets charge for moving and casting her Q, Burst Fire. She will end up starting most engagements with a fully charged auto attack available, meaning that she will open with a slow to help her kite. Afterwards, Zeri can take advantage of the non-charged attacks to get bonus execute damage on low targets.

Is Mobalytics or op GG better?

OP GG provides you with all type of stats while Mobalytics helps you understand your data and gives you personalized advice for how to improve.