What is the definition of R selected species?

r-selected species, also called r-strategist, species whose populations are governed by their biotic potential (maximum reproductive capacity, r). Such species make up one of the two generalized life-history strategies posited by American ecologist Robert MacArthur and American biologist Edward O.

What is an example of an R selected species?

Examples of r-selected species are marine invertebrates, such as jellyfish, and plants, such as the dandelion. Dandelions have small seeds that are dispersed long distances by wind; many seeds are produced simultaneously to ensure that at least some of them reach a hospitable environment.

What type of curve is r selected species?

R selected species have a large amount of offspring per reproductive age. However they have a Type 3 survival curve which means that most of the offspring die off during their early ages and the few live to their old age.

What does R and K mean for population growth?

In the equations describing growth of populations of organisms, r represents the slope of the line representing exponential growth. The letter K represents the carrying capacity of a habitat for members of a given sort of organism.

What does R stand for in R selection?

r-selection: On one extreme are the species that are highly r-selected. r is for reproduction. Such a species puts only a small investment of resources into each offspring, but produces many such low effort babies. Such species are also generally not very invested in protecting or rearing these young.

What is type2 survivorship?

A type II survivorship curve shows a roughly constant mortality rate for the species through its entire life. This means that the individual’s chance of dying is independent of their age. Type II survivorship curves are plotted as a diagonal line going downward on a graph.

What are R-selected and K selected species?

A mouse produces a large litter. A whale tends for a single calf. r-selection: On one extreme are the species that are highly r-selected. r is for reproduction….r- and K-selection.

Characteristic r K
Number of offspring high low
Parental care low high
Reproductive Maturity early late
Size of offspring small large

What characteristics are common to r-selected species?

These characteristics describe R-selected species perfectly:

  • Rapid development.
  • High reproductive rate.
  • Early reproductive age.
  • Small body size.
  • One reproductive cycle.
  • Short lifespan.
  • Poor competitive ability.
  • High mortality of offspring.

What are R selected and K-selected species?

Why are r selected species invasive?

R-selected species often grow quickly and mature rapidly. Combined with their explosive reproductive potential, their quick growth and maturation allow them to colonize disturbed and early successional habitats remarkably well. This is not to suggest that all r-selected species are invasive.

What is r selected vs K-selected?

A whale tends for a single calf. r-selection: On one extreme are the species that are highly r-selected. r is for reproduction. Such a species puts only a small investment of resources into each offspring, but produces many such low effort babies….r- and K-selection.

Characteristic r K
Lifespan short long
Early mortality high low

What’s the difference between K-selected and R selected populations?

K-selected species possess relatively stable populations and tend to produce relatively low numbers of offspring; however, individual offspring tend to be quite large in comparison with r-selected species.