Who owns Rodrigues Island?

state of Mauritius
Rodrigues Island, island dependency of the western Indian Ocean state of Mauritius. It lies 344 miles (553 km) east of the island of Mauritius. Of volcanic origin, Rodrigues Island has an area of 40 square miles (104 square km).

Who was the first Dutch to land in Rodrigues?

The first of the permanent settlers on Rodrigues was Germain Le Gros who arrived in September 1792. He was followed closely by Michel Gorry and Philibert Marragon.

How was Rodrigues called long ago?

The initial name was Diogo Fernandes; Domingo Froiz was given as a name some years later, and by 1528 it had been again renamed after the Portuguese navigator Dom Diogo Rodrigues and has remained so since.

Who discovered Mauritius?

In 1598, a Dutch squadron, under the orders of Admiral Wybrand Van Warwyck, landed at Grand Port and named the island “Mauritius”, in honour of Prince Maurice Van Nassau, “Stathouder” of Holland. However, it was not until 1638 that there was a first attempt of Dutch settlement.

How is the landscape of Rodrigues?

The landscapes vary from hilly lands to steep volcanic hills standing up as basaltic organ pipes. Its coasts are made of wild creeks, marvelous sandy beaches and coral reefs, surrounded by small islets. The lagoon and coral reefs of Rodrigues are twice the area of the islands and are very rich and full of marine life.

How do you get to Rodrigues Island?

Rodrigues Travel Information

  1. How to Get there: There are two ways of getting to the island, either by ship or by plane.
  2. By Ship. A mixed cargo and passenger ship, the Mauritius Trochetia, serve the island on a nearly bimonthly basis.
  3. By Plane. Air Mauritius provides a daily service between Rodrigues and Mauritius.

Is Rodrigues a district of Mauritius?

The island is the tenth district of the Republic of Mauritius. Since October 2001, the island of Rodrigues enjoys an autonomous status within the Republic with its own Regional Assembly and an Executive Council for the framing and implementation of its socio–economic policies.

Who named Mauritius?

Prince Maurice of Nassau
In 1598 a Dutch squadron under Admiral Wybrand Van Warwyck landed at Grand Port and named the island “Mauritius” after Prince Maurice of Nassau (Dutch: Maurits van Nassau) of the Dutch Republic.

Is Rodrigues flat?

Typically hilly and mountainous, Rodrigues is among one of the Mascarene Islands, situated in the south western part of the Indian Ocean, besides Mauritius and Réunion.

What is the autonomy of Rodrigues?

Since October 2001, the island of Rodrigues enjoys an autonomous status within the Republic with its own Regional Assembly and an Executive Council for the framing and implementation of its socio–economic policies. It is administered by a Regional Assembly whereby elections are held every five years.