Who should file a Tier II report?

On the federal level, any regulated facility in the U.S. that stores or handles more than 10,000 pounds of hazardous chemicals must submit an annual Tier II inventory report.

What is Epcra Tier II reporting?

The EPCRA Tier II report is specifically for hazardous materials, not waste. Reporting is done at the state and local level and provides the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with data on the type, quantity and location of hazardous chemicals.

What is the Tier II reporting threshold?

The Tier II reporting thresholds are: Extremely hazardous substances (EHSs): 500 pounds (227 kg) or the threshold planning quantity (TPQ), whichever is less. A list of EHSs can be found here. All other hazardous substances: 10,000 pounds (4,540 kg) for any material that has a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

What is the difference between Tier I and Tier II reporting?

Tier I contains general information on hazardous chemicals at a facility, and Tier II contains specific information on hazardous chemicals present at the facility. The Tier II forms must be submitted annually on March 1st and sent to: Your State Emergency Response Commission.

What is Tier 2 facility?

Tier 2 reports (also written as “Tier II”) are required by the EPA for facilities that store hazardous chemicals above certain threshold quantities.

What is a Tier II form?

Submission of Tier II form is required under Section 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA). The purpose of this form is to provide State, local officials, and the public with specific information on potential hazards.

What are Tier I reports?

Tier I requires information (such as maximum amount of hazardous chemicals at the facility during the preceding year, an estimate of the average daily amount of hazardous chemicals at the facility, and the general location) be aggregated and reported by hazard categories.