Why is my paper longer in Google Docs than in Microsoft Word?

Why is my paper longer in Google Docs than in Microsoft Word? Two likely reasons; paper or founts. So, for example, Times New Roman in Word may get converted to Helvetica in Docs. The differences are subtle, but they’re there and can result in text moving up/down due to width differences.

How do I make 2 pages into 1 page in Word?

Open your project in Microsoft Word. Click the “File” menu, and then select “Print” from the left-hand panel.Navigate to the Settings panel, and then click the “1 Page Per Sheet” drop-down box and select the “2 Pages Per Sheet” option.Click the “Print” button at the top of the Print dialogue box to begin printing.

How do I get rid of pages side by side in Word?

To remove the vertical split, return to the “View” tab and click the “View Side by Side” button again to toggle the vertical split view off.

How many words make up a page on Google Docs?

For a page with 1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and minimal spacing elements, a good rule of thumb is 500 words for a single spaced page and 250 words for a double spaced page.

How many words is 2 pages on Google Docs?

1 page is 500 words single spaced, 250 words double spaced. 2 pages is 1,000 words single spaced, 500 words double spaced. 3 pages is 1,500 words single spaced, 750 words double spaced. 4 pages is 2,000 words single spaced, 1,000 words double spaced.

How many pages are in a typical novel?

It depends on the font you are using, of course, but in general, 250-300 words per page. Therefore, a 55,000 word book should be about 200 manuscript pages. A 100,000 word book would be about 400. Editors like 12 point font.

Can a novel be 150 pages?

Novellas are commonly between 150 and 200 pages (60,000 words). Full novels are commonly 200 to 550 pages (165,000 words) and epic novels are larger than 550 pages, though these are becoming harder to sell unless the author serializes the story into multiple parts.

How many pages double spaced is 1500?

6 pages