Can an Iranian marry a foreigner?

In contrast, Iranian men can marry Muslim women or non-Muslim women or Iranian or non-Iranian women to marry a foreigner in Iran without permission from the Ministry of the Interior. Iranian women living abroad may want to marry foreign men.

What happens if you marry an Iranian man?

According to the professor, the law states that regardless of her citizenship or religious affiliation, a woman who marries an Iranian man automatically becomes a citizen of Iran and a Muslim.

What are the marriage laws in Iran?

According to the Islamic Republic civil code, the legal age of marriage in Iran is set at age 13 for girls and age 15 for boys. However, the same Act allows girls below the age of 13 and boys below the age of 15 to be wed, conditioned on the consent of their father and the permission of a judge.

How can I marry someone from Iran?

If you are going to marry an Iranian man, you can do it anywhere. But if you want to register your marriage, you need to have a marriage certification. By marrying an Iranian man, the woman is getting eligible to request an Iranian birth certificate and visa. But, the marriage must be official and registered.

Can I marry an Iranian?

What are Iranian men like as lovers?

If a Persian man loves someone, they will do anything for her; from buying expensive gifts and beautiful jewelry to going on a date in a fancy restaurant. Persian men are extremely passionate and emotional. They would adore you and treat you like a queen.

How can I marry an Iranian woman?

The original and copy of their local marriage certification. Three proper passport-style ID photos (Women must have Islamic Hijab) Having a certification that shows the bride has become a Muslim if the Iranian is Muslim. The original and copies of their birth certification.

How does marriage work in Iran?

A man can marry up to four women at one time; women can only marry one husband. A woman needs a male guardian’s consent — either from her father or paternal grandfather—to marry. Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslim men, while Muslim men can marry Jews, Christians or Zoroastrians.

How many husbands can a woman have in Iran?

one husband
A man can marry up to four women at one time; women can only marry one husband. A woman needs a male guardian’s consent — either from her father or paternal grandfather—to marry.

Can I marry Iranian?