Can I visit must farm?

More | Must Farm. The Must Farm Timber Platform Project is an excavation running from September 2015 to April 2016. As the site is situated in a working quarry we are unable to accept general visitors, volunteers or host a public open day.

What did they find at Must Farm?

Must Farm – Evidence & Finds In 1999 decaying timbers were discovered protruding from the southern face of the brick pit at Must Farm. Investigations in 2004 and 2006 dated the timbers to the Bronze Age and identified them as a succession of large structures spanning an ancient watercourse.

When was Must farm occupied?

Must Farm is located within the silts of a slow-flowing freshwater river, with stilted structures built to elevate the living quarters above the water. This palaeochannel (dating from 1700-100 BC) was active for centuries prior to the construction of Must Farm (approx.

Where is Britain’s Pompeii?

The level of preservation at the site, in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, has been compared to that seen at Pompeii, a Roman city buried by ash when Vesuvius erupted in AD 79.

What is a Bronze Age settlement?

Toggle text. A settlement is a place where a community of people live. At the beginning of the Bronze Age in Europe, most people lived in small villages or on farms. They built houses from materials that could be found nearby, such as wood or stone.

When was the settlement at Must Farm Cambridgeshire occupied?

About | Must Farm. The Must Farm Settlement excavation is an ongoing project being carried out by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit with funding from Historic England and Forterra. The project is investigating an exceptionally well preserved settlement dating to the Late Bronze Age (1000 – 800BC).

What is an Iron Age settlement?

Iron Age Hill Forts People throughout much of Celtic Europe lived in hill forts during the Iron Age. Walls and ditches surrounded the forts, and warriors defended hill forts against attacks by rival clans. Inside the hill forts, families lived in simple, round houses made of mud and wood with thatched roofs.

When did the Bronze Age begin in Britain?

BRONZE AGE (2300–800 BC) In about 2300 BC the first metal weapons and jewellery began to arrive in Britain, along with a new kind of pottery known as Beaker. People were buried with these objects in individual graves, some of which were covered with round barrows.

What does a Bronze Age house look like?

Bronze Age roundhouses were circular structures with a wattle (woven wood) and daub (mud and straw) wall or a dry stone wall. Some houses had to be built on stilts as they were constructed on wetlands. Roundhouses usually had thatched roofs or were covered with turf that lay over a wooden cone of beams.

What do Iron Age houses look like?

These were simple one-roomed homes with a pointed thatched roof and walls made from wattle and daub (a mixture of mud and twigs). In the centre of a round house was a fire where meals were cooked in a cauldron. Around the walls were jars for storing food and beds made from straw covered with animal skins.

Who was the first person in England?

The oldest human remains so far found in England date from about 500,000 years ago, and belonged to a six-foot tall man of the species Homo heidelbergensis. Shorter, stockier Neanderthals visited Britain between 300,000 and 35,000 years ago, followed by the direct ancestors of modern humans.