Does GitLab have bug tracking?

Once a visual feedback tool like is introduced into the equation your developers can choose where they receive feedback, down to the specific bug-tracking GitLab project, and the important technical data they need is automatically grabbed and included in every bug report.

Where are GitLab issues stored?

GitLab stores repositories on repository storage. Repository storage is either: A gitaly_address , which points to a Gitaly node. A path , which points directly to the directory where the repositories are stored.

How do GitLab issues work?

Workflow tracking with GitLab issues Once you’ve labeled an issue, it will automatically appear on the list. When the issue is ready to move on to the next stage, simply drag and drop it into the next list. You can also update the labels directly in the issue and your changes will automatically appear on the board.

How do I mark an issue in GitLab?

Mark a to-do item as done

  1. In the To-Do List, to the right of the to-do item, select Done.
  2. In the sidebar of an issue, merge request, or epic, select Mark as done.

How do I clean up GitLab?

Visit your project in GitLab and click the “Settings” link in the sidebar. Switch to the “CI / CD” category and expand the “Clean up image tags” section near the bottom of the page. Toggle the “Enabled” button to the on position to activate the Cleanup Policy.

Where does GitLab store its data?

By default, omnibus-gitlab stores the Git repository data under /var/opt/gitlab/git-data . The repositories are stored in a subfolder repositories . You can change the location of the git-data parent directory by adding the following line to /etc/gitlab/gitlab. rb .

Does GitLab have pull requests?

Merge/pull requests with GitLab flow Merge or pull requests are created in a Git management application. They ask an assigned person to merge two branches. Tools such as GitHub and Bitbucket choose the name “pull request”, because the first manual action is to pull the feature branch.

How do I create a scoped label in GitLab?

On the left sidebar, select Project information > Labels. Select New label. In the Title field, enter a short, descriptive name for the label. You can also use this field to create scoped, mutually exclusive labels.

How do I remove unwanted files from GitLab repository?

“delete files from gitlab repo” Code Answer

  1. In the command-line, navigate to your local repository.
  2. Ensure you are in the default branch:
  3. git checkout master.
  4. The rm -r command will recursively remove your folder:
  5. git rm -r folder-name.
  6. Commit the change:
  7. git commit -m “Remove duplicated directory”

What does GitLab housekeeping do?

Runs a full repack, according to a configured period. This repacks all packfiles and loose objects into a single new packfile, and deletes the old now-redundant loose objects and packfiles. It also optionally creates bitmaps for the new packfile.

How to radically simplify bug reporting in GitLab?

GitLab bug tracking How to radically simplify bug reporting in GitLab GitLa . The process is long, complicated, and tracking down the crucial technical information isn’t always easy. In most teams, reporting bugs into GitLab looks like this: Find the bug. Open screenshot tool, capture bug. Open software to annotate screenshot, add comments.

How to report a bug on GitHub?

The difficulty of the problem

  • Is it really a bug? Do you have valid bytecode? Semantic equivalence vs. exact source code
  • What to send (minimum requirements)
  • What to send (additional helpful information) But I don’t have the source code!
  • Narrowing the problem
  • Karma
  • Confidentiality of Bug Reports
  • Ethics
  • How to use Gitlab Issues for tracking software development?

    San Francisco-based Opstrace provides an observability platform that developers can use to collect troubleshooting data from their applications. The startup provides the platform under an open-source license. According to Opstrace, its software is simpler to deploy and maintain than other open-source observability tools.

    What are issues in GitLab?

    Time tracking

  • Weight
  • Participants
  • Notifications
  • Mentions
  • Related issues
  • Related merge Requests
  • comments
  • Zoom meetings (yep – zoom meetings too)