How do I create a second Facebook account?

Go to the Facebook homepage ( and fill in the required fields on the sign-up form along the right side of the page. Enter an email address that has not yet been used to register for a previous Facebook account, your first and last name, a password, your gender and your birthdate.

Why can’t I create multiple Facebook accounts?

If you attempt to create multiple accounts on Facebook, you risk your account – both new and old – getting blocked.In the last few years, Facebook policies on account opening have become more strict. A lot of users complain of being able to create new Facebook accounts. Facebook only allows authentic identities.

Can I create multiple Facebook accounts with same phone number?

No,you can’t have two separate Facebook account using the same phone number. Because,when you signup in Facebook with a Number or Email,that number or email is saved on Facebook Database.

Can I create two Facebook accounts with one phone number?

How many FB accounts can I have?

The main reason is that Facebook doesn’t allow users to have more than one personal account — it’s against their Terms of Service. So if they find out you have two personal accounts, they’ll shut them down.

How do you set up multiple Facebook accounts?

– Enter your company name – select a business type and organizational type – fill in your country and primary currency

Which is the best tool to manage multiple Facebook accounts?

– Schedule and post to multiple social media accounts – Monitor and respond to messages and comments across all your accounts in a single dashboard – Know when your brand has been mentioned in social media posts – Identify who your most active and engaged followers are – Generate in-depth performance reports

How to switch between multiple Facebook accounts?

While logged into Facebook,you should see an Account Switcher button between Notifications and Quick Help .

  • Press the button,then click Add Account .
  • Enter your username and password and click Log in.
  • Now when you click on the Account Switcher button,you should see both accounts.
  • How do you create a second account on Facebook?

    – Create a Facebook account to manage your business Pages. – Open Facebook’s Create a Page (see the link in Resources). – Select the category that best fits your business. – Repeat Step 3 to create a second business Page.