How do you become a librarian NZ?

To become a librarian you usually need to have either:

  1. an undergraduate library or information management qualification.
  2. an undergraduate degree in any subject, and a postgraduate degree in library and information studies.

How much do librarians get paid NZ?

Graduate librarians usually earn between $46,000 and $55,000. Librarians usually earn $50,000 to $75,000. Senior librarians usually earn $60,000 to $89,000.

How long is librarian course?

B. Lib (Bachelor of Library Science) is an arts degree that comes under science and humanities offers by Excel Distance Education in Palwal by reputed University. B. Lib course duration is 3 years.

Where can I study library and Information Studies in NZ?

Explore all these Library and Information Studies qualifications on their website. The School of Information Management offers postgraduate diplomas, certificates and Master qualifications in Information Studies. Te Wananga-o-Raukawa offers diplomas and certificates in Puna Maumahara/Information Management.

How do I get a job in the New Zealand library?

Visit Te Wananga-o-Raukawa website for course information. People who hold a recognised New Zealand library qualification, such as the MLIS (LIBS), MIS (LIBS), BA with ILS or double major with ILS Humanities or ILS Communications, BApSc with ILS, or Poutuārongo Puna Maumahara may be eligible for employment in professional roles overseas.

What will I learn in a library management course?

Not including any course materials or external exam fees. Available. You will build a broad understanding of libraries and information services. This includes public, school, tertiary, national and special libraries, as well as records and information management.

Are there any professional associations in New Zealand for school librarians?

There are 3 professional associations in New Zealand you could join as a school librarian. LIANZA is the professional organisation for library and information management professionals in New Zealand.